Mavro creates hype on Mavrodi`s death

Alex Stargame
3 min readMar 27, 2018


On Monday, March, 26th the founder of the financial pyramid “МММ” Sergey Mavrodi died in one of Moscow`s hospitals of a heart attack. He was 62 years old.

Who is Mr. Mavrodi?

Sergey Mavrodi is known primarily in Russia. Along with crimson jackets and Boris Yeltsin he was one of the symbols of the “hard 90`s”. Mavrodi`s financial pyramid existed for only 5 years — from 1989 to 1994. After that Mavrodi was hiding abroad for almost 10 years and in April, 2007 he was sentenced to 4,5 years of imprisonment for swindle.

Sergey Mavrodi lived in Moscow the last years of his life. Several years ago there appeared a cryptocurrency called “Mavro”, its founders connected the project with Mavrodi, but he did not confirm this information. In the same way he did not confirm the authenticity of his official Twitter account. He told journalists that did not spend time on social networks.

Nevertheless, in the last years his name appeared often in connection with cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Bitcoin itself was christened “a financial pyramid” of the beginning of the 21st century.

Fake Mavrodi and “financial apocalypse”

It is interesting that after Mavrodi`s death an interview with him was published in the pages of the Russian Forbes (a serious edition, isn’t it?). The founder of the financial pyramid answered the questions of journalists by e-mail. Forbes is not assured of the authenticity of the interview — Mavrodi (or the person with whom they communicated) could not even confirm his identity, but the journalists managed to contact him (or not) through the website and he confirmed his identity through his account on Twitter with the mark “official”. Whether it was the original Mavrodi or not, remains unknown. But one thing is clear — the project is connected with Sergey Mavrodi`s “official” Twitter.

In the interview he says that the best thing for the modern society is a financial apocalypse, and that blockchain and Bitcoin are its “angels” (speaking in the manner of John the Evangelist), and the financial system`s crash has already begun.

The impression is that this interview is the embedded advertising of the cryptocurrency “Mavro”, and Sergey Mavrodi’s death became an excellent PR opportunity for the project (now Mavro is launching an ICO).

Even after his death Mavrodi does not stop to agitate people`s minds, create smart financial schemes and hype. Let`s get some popcorn and watch the Mavro project collect money during the ICO.

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