The alpha version of the FairWin gaming platform is ready for release

Now we are testing the first version of the FairWin platform, improving its work and shortly we will launch it for public usage in the test Rinkeby network.

Alex Stargame
3 min readAug 2, 2018

The game lobby will be available on our site in the Showcase section. To start the game, you need a MetaMask account and a little test Ether to conduct transactions.

The game lobby will look like this.

How to play on the FairWin platform

A detailed instruction on how to install Metamask and get test Ether can be found on our site in the How-to section.

To enter the game, you are required to log in Metamask and press the Request Tokens button. After that, 50000 test FWIN tokens will be automatically added to your account. Next, select the game you’d like to play. You will see the Insert Tokens button in the bottom panel — press it to deposit tokens into the game.

The FairWin platform allows the player to make only two transactions in the blockchain. The first one — when he brings tokens into the game, the second one — when he quits it. All game turns are made in our special FairChannel which is under development at the moment.

After depositing the tokens, you can start spinning the reels. To withdraw the winnings, simply press the Home button in the bottom panel and the tokens you have gained in the game will appear on your account.

Until you press the Home button and leave the game, all game progress is saved. That is, even if you close the window, refresh the page or experience network issues, you remain at the same place in the game where you left off.

For now, the game lobby will feature only Yggdrasil, but Top Drop will also be available in a matter of weeks. We are also developing a game about space cats.

The Yggdrasil gameplay can be watched here.

We also remind you that only 5 days remain until the end of the first open stage of the FWIN token sale. Read how to buy the FWIN tokens that will be used in the games on the FairWin platform at an enormous discount here.

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