Alex Stol

Alex Stol

Alex list

79 stories

Hammer hitting a nail
Alex Stol

Alex Stol

Mark check it

44 stories

A cartoon-style profile of a head with a brain displayed inside the skull.
Alex Stol

Alex Stol

Articles I have read

26 stories

A cartoon drawing of a coffee mug with liquid sloshing out of it and a yellow starburst shape (part of the facts & feelings logo) on the side of it with the letters “Ff” inside it. The coffee mug partially excuses large text that says, “Coffee Chats.”
“Look at them,” troll mother said. “Look at my sons! You won’t find more beautiful trolls on this side of the moon.” Illustration of Walter Stenström’s The boy and the trolls or The Adventure in childrens’ anthology Among pixies and trolls, a collection of childrens’ stories, 1915.
Alex Stol

Alex Stol

Mark has read

7 stories

Alex Stol

Alex Stol

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2 stories