Philip K Dick Got Information From The Unknown And Used It To Save His Sons Life

Think On Your Own
2 min readSep 21, 2023


  • Recap — Philip K Dick is the writer of:
  • Blade Runner
  • Minority Report
  • Total Recall
  • The Man In The High Castle
  • A Scanner Darkly
  • Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep

After his dental surgery for an impacted wisdom tooth, the author received a delivery of pain medication. The delivery girl wore a Jesus fish around her neck, which in he perceived to be emitting a beam of energy. It was soon after this that he reported his mind had been invaded by another more rational and organized consciousness. He described it as being insane all of his life and then suddenly becoming sane.

Where this goes from “batshit crazy” to “something real is happening here”.

The new voice in his head revealed to him that his young son had a fatal undiagnosed birth defect. The voice stated that his son needed urgent medical attention or he would die. Together with his wife Teresa, they took their son to the family doctor who heavily resisted testing the child since the test itself was dangerous and there was no sign the child had any defects. Eventually, they were able to force the tests which then confirmed the voice’s diagnosis and the child went into surgery for the overlooked birth defect.

The writer came to the conclusion that the voice in his head was an immortal part of himself accessing him from some other location.

He began having nightmares and visions, that lead him to a theory of a “Vast Active Living Intelligence System”. Many of his fictional books have produced factual future information about technology and the government.

Whether he is right or not on his theories of “where” he is getting this information, one thing is for sure, the information has made a number of accurate predictions.



Think On Your Own

I’m a Polymath Philosopher. I seek to make clear that which is hidden in plain sight.