See A Painting Made In 1595 That Matches The First Satellite In Space From 1957


The painting, “The Glorification of the Eucharist“, was painted by Ventura Salimbeni in 1595, and hangs in Florence, Italy. Below on the left is the painting but on the right is the first artificial satellite to orbit Earth launched by the Soviet Union in 1957, Sputnik.

The painting is surprisingly similar to Sputnik, even to the point where we see a little nodule on the side of the object in the painting and a nodule on the side of Sputnik. A closeup of the painting reveals a metallic-like construct with antennas and a status light. What makes it even more interesting is the emphasis on the nodule since Sputnik was sent into space primarily to spy on the US using a camera.

Nothing like this existed back then and there was zero technology.



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