AI is bullshit

Alexandru Nastase
5 min readSep 5, 2022

AI is useful, until it’s not

Say you’re trying to decide between 9 or 10 different varieties of eggs at the store. One catches your eye: “All natural.” Well, that’s nice, natural is good and they’re only 30 cents more — you buy those.

Now, those chickens and the eggs they produce may or may not be more natural than the others — because there’s no official or even generally agreed-upon definition of natural.

It’s a common ploy to make you pay 30 cents for nothing. That same exact thing is becoming a problem in tech — but with AI

‘AI-powered’ is tech’s meaningless equivalent of ‘all natural’ | TechCrunch

Let’s get this straight

There’s no denying that artificial intelligence has a lot of benefits. It can help us make better decisions, automate repetitive tasks, and even keep us entertained.

It is one of the most fascinating and complex fields of study in the world today and it has, for sure, proven that deserves it’s place. From health care, education and fraud detection, to speech recognition, computer vision, natural language processing and others, there’s no doubt that AI-powered tools are useful.

AI has it’s own BULLSHIT side



Alexandru Nastase

Java guy. Life newbie. Maybe smart maybe funny. Personal stuff here, too. WELCOME ! ❤