Is work from home going to end?

Alexandru Nastase
3 min readSep 19, 2022


probably you

Let’s face it.

We all know the feeling. You wake up groggy, barely able to open your eyes. You fumble for your phone and see that you have 1 minute until the start of your daily video call. You scramble to put on a shirt and log in just in time, hoping that nobody notices that you’re still half asleep.

We love the way our hair looks after not showering for 3 days. We love how comfy our pajamas are, and how we can just roll out of bed and be “at work”. We love how convenient it is to have our office in our bedroom/kitchen/living room/bathroom.

We’ve been working from home for a while now, and to be honest, it’s been great. We don’t have to commute, we can take breaks whenever we want, and we can wear whatever we want. Also there is no need to rush out the door every morning, to battle traffic, or deal with grumpy co-workers.

This is the joy of working from home. (At least that’s what we tell ourselves…). It’s the best! Right?

What about statistics ? 📊

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We’re all familiar with the usual reasons workers cite for wanting to stay remote even after lockdowns have long ended: flexible schedules, not having to commute, and of course, increased productivity. However, productivity isn’t the only reason people want to stay away from the office.

Recently, a survey performed on 1,000 remote workers to find out what’s really keeping them tied to their work-from-home lives.

The findings include:

  • 72% want to be able to take a nap or exercise during the day
  • 73% want to be able to watch TV while they work
  • 14% will not go back to the office, even if required by their employer
  • 62% Cite Concerns About Their Appearance and Going Back to Work In-Person
  • 75% of Remote Workers Want to Stay Home With Their Pets

More about the survey: The Real Reasons People Want to Work From Home: It’s Not All About Productivity —


There’s one big question that’s looming over all of us: when is this going to end? Or is it even going to end?

The answer, unfortunately, is that we don’t really know. It could be a few more months, or it could be a few more years. But either way, we’re going to have to make the best of it.

So let’s enjoy the little things while we can. Like not having to wear pants, or being able to take a nap in the middle of the day. Because who knows how long this is going to last.



Alexandru Nastase

Java guy. Life newbie. Maybe smart maybe funny. Personal stuff here, too. WELCOME ! ❤