New Twitter Challenge For Java EE 8

Alex Theedom
2 min readOct 10, 2017

Java EE 8 was launched at JavaOne 2017 in October and is already proving popular. It boasts two new APIs: JSON Binding API and Java EE Security API, three major updates: Servlet 4.0, Bean Validation 2.0, CDI 2.0 and minor updates: JAX-RS 2.1, JSF 2.3, JSON-P 1.1. To find out more read my article What’s new in Java EE 8 over at IBM developerWorks.

Every day I will send out a new challenge about a feature of Java EE 8 and publish the question and answer on my blog

How to Take Part

Reply to a Challenge Tweet

If you would like to take part just follow the tweeter hashtag #100DaysOfJavaEE8 and post a reply with an answer to the challenge.

Set Your Own Challenge

To take part all you have to do is to tweet a Java EE 8 code challenge using the hashtag #100DaysOfJavaEE8. Such as tweet which might look something like this:

The code that forms the challenge question is a screen capture from your IDE and its attached to the tweet. The answer is given after enough people have replied or at the end of the day. If an explanation is necessary a link to your blog page can be added to the tweet. The way you do it is up to you, just don’t forget to add the hashtag #100DaysOfJavaEE8 to your tweet.

The objective is to raise awareness of Java EE 8’s great new features and have some fun. So what are you waiting for? Get tweeting.

New in Java EE 8

New APIs: JSON Binding API and Java EE Security API
Major: Servlet 4.0, Bean Validation 2.0, CDI 2.0
Minor: JAX-RS 2.1, JSF 2.3, JSON-P 1.1



Alex Theedom

I share my knowledge of Java EE via my blog, my book Java EE 8: Only What’s New & my Java EE courses on