Alex The Host
3 min readJan 30, 2022



Each time I have an opportunity to interview an actor, I get nervous and excited at the same time. There’s a moment of imposter syndrome that comes, though it’s fleeting, it’s very real. It’s not because I’m star-struck or anything like that, because at the end of the day they are people just like me, and acting is what they do, not who they are.

The imposter syndrome comes from a measure of disbelief in my life that I am still weeding out. I am definitely still a work in progress and I am not stopping anytime soon.

I love having dope ass conversations and being able to interview people who are going after their dreams and dictating the course of their life, this is one of the beauties of this art form, I get to connect with people who are dreamers and doers just like me and are working hard to manifest what they want in their life.


Being able to speak with Martha Millan was so much fun and I loved our conversation, she is the Co-Star on the newest Fox series “The Cleaning Lady” as “Fiona De La Rosa” and what’s so important to me about being able to talk with Martha is that her role and the role of star Elodie Yung, who plays the lead character of “Thony De La Rosa” really shines light on women and the things that they deal with as women, mother’s, daughters, and so much more.

I have 2 daughters and it makes me happy to see women at the forefront leading the change on a series of a major network, not only that but the fact that they are embracing and representing the Filipino culture and heritage is so vital and important to see, especially in today’s world.

My goal as an interviewer is always to dig beyond the surface and have a memorable conversation that honors the actor and gives the fans a deeper insight to their work and who they are as a person. One of the questions that I asked Martha was what this experience being on the show meant to her and she shares her thoughts on that question.

You could hear the joy and love that she had not only for the show but for her cast members and showrunners as well. I can imagine that working in an environment that is supportive like that helps you be your best self. Martha was so gracious and it was great to hear her share some of her experiences on this show and her career.

Martha also shares why representation was important to her being a Filipino Actor, and the example she can set for others like her I’m so excited to see what she has next!


Speaking with Martha I learned that if you want something to happen in your life, go after it and do not let life’s circumstances deter you. Go full force after it!

Lastly, I was reminded to be proud of you are and where you come from, and you never know who you are going to inspire.

I think that’s why it’s important to work hard to be the best version of you, that you can be.

I think about this a lot, we have an impact on those around us and our actions have the ability to inspire others, and like Martha, those actions can inspire a whole community of people.

At the end of the day, that’s what I want for my life.



Alex The Host

Since 2016 Employing empathy and an authentic approach to sharing stories . Film & TV Interviewer & Journalist