PinnedPublished inImagine ZeroStartup NGOs — Imagine Zerotldr; Green founders come up with ever more green goods and services. We’re not on track to stop climate change in time. Instead of…Oct 16, 2020Oct 16, 2020
Published inImagine ZeroHow much time do we have to stop the climate system from breaking down?A comprehensive study published in July 2020 shows that without drastic action Earth will be 2.6°C to 3.9°C hotter in 2100 than it was…Jun 20, 2020Jun 20, 2020
Published inImagine ZeroKnowledge kick-startEver wanted to quickly get an overview on the climate crisis? Let’s dive right in! For starters, we’d like to recommend to you four…Jun 20, 2020Jun 20, 2020
How we should stop the Climate CrisisAssessing anti-climate-change initiatives via crowd-sourcing allows to efficiently funnel resources and gives us a fighting chance.Aug 19, 2019Aug 19, 2019
Published inAura BlogAura Public Beta at the MallCare about free speech? I need your help to test Aura!Nov 24, 2018Nov 24, 2018
Published inAura BlogToday is the First DayIt feels great to work full days on Aura.Sep 14, 2018Sep 14, 2018
Published inAura BlogMaking Aura official and starting at WunderI can finally dedicate 1–2 days a week to Aura 😀Jul 28, 2018Jul 28, 2018