On Trump’s America

Alex Valdivia
2 min readNov 9, 2016


Just in case you can’t figure out why over half of the country is waking up with their faces buried in their hands this morning, here’s a little chart that might put things in perspective.

The political spectrum

If you’re looking for someone to blame, here are a few ideas:

— The religious right, for the ridiculous assertion that faith (the willful dismissal of critical thinking) and obedience are traits to be cherished and celebrated, even in the face of reason. How that train of thought percolated deeply into ourselves, all the way to the polls (and has done so throughout history) never ceases to amaze and disgust me.

— Our channels of information. Yes, the media tried to turn it around and went to great lengths last night to avoid naming Trump the winner, but only after they gave him billions of dollars worth of exposure. This breaking news have been breaking our democracy, our society, our friendships and our hearts for over a year and a half now. Trump has already shown signs of being an enemy of the press, hopefully lining up their pockets at the expense of our sanity and our collective dignity is worth it.

— The DNC. For its lack of transparency, for failing to recognize the millions of voices desperately chanting for meaningful change and for giving us more of the same under the false banner of progressiveness through gender gaps, which even though are very real and dangerous, didn’t actually get bridged by any candidate.

— The Republicans, for being so fucking gullible or so goddamned evil, whichever way you’d like to see it. I don’t care.

— The liberals, myself included, for being so full of ourselves pretending that what’s at stake is meaningless until its too fucking late. For allowing our values to be stomped on and not responding in adequate measure, for allowing our votes to be taken away from us during the primary, for complaining endlessly about the electoral system yet doing absolutely nothing about it. For the systematic dismantling of our heroes in aims to be a fucking grown up.

— Trump, that fucking monster, for kicking us when we’re down. We’ll kick back eventually, you motherfucker.

I’ve spent most of my life living under authoritarian and corrupt governments. Democracy and civility is not something I take for granted, never had the privilege and don’t have it now.
We all share the blame of what’s happening, whether we like it or not. Now get the fuck up and make it better, America, let this be a reminder that our values are something to be defended and not taken for granted.
Fight and find a better way. Now.
If on the other hand, you’re not looking for someone to blame, I can’t fucking help you…



Alex Valdivia

Interaction Designer at Google. Grandmaster of design of Planet Earth. Musician. Super dad. Guava lover. Avid minutia collector.