The Advantage of Being an Insider-Outsider of the Urban Farming Industry

Harvester City: Interview with Marco Tidona, Founder of Aponix vertical barrel / 3D-NFT

Alex Welch
11 min readJun 26, 2019

What does diversity mean to you? When most people think of diversity they usually think of race or gender. Diversity is a big topic for technology companies as they scramble to bring in talent from around the globe. Diversity is also a crucial ingredient for the success of any industry. Food technology has opened doors for diversity. This shiny new subsection of the food industry has attracted the attention of techies far and wide to join in on the food revolution.

Marco Tidona is an urban farming enthusiast and inventor. He started out as a software developer before he realized his love for growing food. As an outside to the food industry, his journey hasn’t been easy. Marco is the proud inventor of the Aponix vertical barrel / 3D-NFT. A solution that enables hyperlocal edible plant production in urban areas. The solution acts as an alternative to rack or table setups. The food industry is lucky to have people such as Marco. We need bright minds from all areas of expertise to help find solutions to our ever-growing challenges around food security and safety.



Alex Welch

Writer, Soul-Centered Website Designer, and Creative Coach ✺ LOVE IS ALWAYS ENOUGH ✺ Let's create something magical ↓