What Angers Me

Alex Whittow
3 min readNov 16, 2015


Somewhere in the Andes Mountains, Peru

Anger is quite the strong word, but sometimes it sure is fitting.

I like to think the only things that can successfully piss me off are more widespread problems and less petty events and situations. It takes a lot for me to hate a simple situation, and much more for me to hate a person. Anger should never come quickly, and when it does it should have just cause.

With that said, there are things that continue to piss me off, and I am also sure that this is not a full list:

1) That war still happens

We are all one! How long until those in power recognize this? As I type now, there are drones invisibly flying overhead murdering of hundreds at the press of a button, 90% of which are not the intended targets.

This is the United States I am talking about. We enjoy murdering our own species. How fucked up is that? That simply cannot be the only answer. I’m no foreign policy expert, but self-destruction of our own race cannot be a sustainable solution.

2) That people drive cars

You know what they say about guys with big trucks. They have small dicks… and a general disdain for the health of their environment.

We value personal convenience over our Earth’s health. One day we’ll realize that using fossil fuels are antithetical to our long-term survival, and that immediate action is necessary to realize a more Earth-friendly solution.

3) That we don’t focus on health enough

Why does it seem that whenever we hear about health initiatives they are only from fast food joints like McDonald’s who just do so to keep their asses legally safe? Why isn’t there a more broad public initiative? Can’t we just build ongoing health education into modern-day society?

No, I don’t think 9th grade Health-Ed classes are going to cut it. We need something that day-in and day-out teaches the populace what constitutes good health for human beings. Something that teaches people about the carcinogenic dangers of eating processed meats. Something that shows people just how fruits and vegetables are good for us — and which are the tastiest. From somebody that has an objective opinion on the matter (I’m looking at you, GMOs).

4) That government officials and people in power are corrupt

“We need to reevaluate the credentials someone has to have to be president. No one cool/moral goes into politics — our world is run by assholes” — @JessCiu

Seriously, I worry that our world’s top intellectuals will never work for their government when we desperately need them to. It’s too much of a penniless game.

A penniless game that is full of money, however. A couple billion dollars here, a couple billion dollars there, and no one will ever hear about that Exxon’s senior scientists knew about global warming in the 1980’s.

3) That people don’t like each other

Pretty much brings me back to an earlier point, but it’s one that needs to be repeated until kingdom come. You are nice. People are nice. Let us be nice together, no?

2) That people never question anything

If I had one piece of advice to give today, it would be: Question Everything. Good questions. Thoughtful questions. Open-ended questions. Or simply just: Why?

Too many of life’s details are taken for granted. We rarely dive into the ideas that really matter for human progress. We don’t talk about things just because they’re uncomfortable to talk about.

No matter what our differences are, we always need to ask each other questions.

1) That my voice isn’t heard

With so many people alive and active in the world today, it’s difficult to find a way to make your voice stand out. No matter how right you may or may not be, everyone is on equal footing with the number of people giving a damn about what you have to say in the public realm.

Unless we prove ourselves, I suppose. The world needs validation before they start listening to us. What validates validation? I would imagine it’s fairly subjective, so you and me have some room to work with. What would be the easiest way to validate ourselves?

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Alex Whittow

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