How to host a Developer Student Club event?

Alex Sze
3 min readJun 6, 2020


Preface: I will walk you through the complete process of hosting a Developer Student Club event in this article. Sit back and enjoy!

Hi everyone, I am Alex, the founder of DSC@HKUST. If you don’t know what Developer Student Club (DSC) is, I have prepared another article for your reference. Without further ado, let’s get started. \ (•◡•) /

Now that you have established a DSC in your campus, what’s next? Hosting an event of course! However, some might have trouble kicking-start everything. So, I am here to give you more details regarding event preparation.

Let’s start with some basic information you need to know regarding event hosting. DSC has a diverse topic types, everything related to technology can be an event. As a Student-Lead, your job is to find a suitable format to present such knowledge. From my experience, major types of events which DSCs have hosted are workshops, project buildings, project presentations, talks and hackathons. You don’t have to host all these events but some of them are must-have in my opinion. I would say that there are two types of focused events in DSC, which are workshops and project buildings. Workshops are a good method to conduct knowledge since having hands-on experiences is the best way for members to learn. Project buildings, on the other hand, could help members recall what they have learnt before. Therefore, I would recommend that you focus on workshops and project buildings in your club. If you have extra resources and time, feel free to extend to different event types.

Tips 1: Choose 1–2 topics (e.g. Go, TensorFlow, Firebase, etc.) and host a series of events throughout the year.

Tips 2: The Solution Challenge is an annual, worldwide event hosted by Google. This competition begins at around the start of the Spring semester. Use this competition as the project theme for your project building and presentation events.

How to host an event:

Here are some tips and guidelines for your reference.

Pre-event preparation:

Before the event, you will need to do the following things

  1. Date and venue booking
  • Decide when and where to host your event. Try to avoid hosting an event near exam periods and other popular events.

2. Content preparation

  • Utilise cloud study jam and resources on the DSC Student-Lead website (you will receive the URL after being selected as a DSC Student-Lead)

3. Poster

  • Design the poster using Google aesthetic style (e.g. Google Product sans and Google signature colours)

4. Mass email

  • Include all necessary details and a promotional poster in the email.
  • Ask professors or department offices to send the email for you, this will give you more exposure

5. Social Media Promotion

  • Include all necessary details and the poster.
  • Feel free to use appropriate gif and memes!

Post-event preparation:

  1. Report

- Report the event back to Google in the DSC Student-Lead website under the tab of ‘DSC Activities & Reporting’

2. Follow-up email

  • Include resources which are mentioned in the events (e.g. Slides, source codes, tutorial videos, etc.)
  • Include event photos

3. Social Media Promotion

  • Post some highlight photos
  • Have fun!

Hope that you find my article useful! Wish you the best of luck! Once again, remember to keep calm and have fun!

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