Don’t Make These Mistakes When Buying Your Child’s First Chess Set

Alexander Kelley
3 min readFeb 19, 2023

If your child is showing an interest in Chess, it’s a great time to introduce them to this fascinating game. Chess can help your child develop their strategy skills, improve their focus, and boost their cognitive abilities. However, before you start playing, you’ll need to purchase a Chess set. While it may seem like a simple task, there are a few common mistakes that parents make when buying their child’s first Chess set. In this article, we’ll discuss those mistakes so that you can avoid them and make an informed purchase.

Choosing a Poorly Crafted Set

One of the most significant mistakes that parents make when purchasing a Chess set is choosing one that’s poorly crafted. While these sets may be cheaper, they often lack the clarity and contrast required for effective gameplay. Your child may spend more time trying to distinguish between pieces than actually playing the game. Therefore, it’s essential to invest in a high-quality Chess set that will allow your child to focus on strategy.

Ignoring Clarity of Pieces

When purchasing a Chess set, parents often focus on the aesthetic appeal of the board and forget about the clarity of the pieces. If your child has to spend too much time figuring out which piece is which, they’ll lose interest in the game quickly. Therefore, it’s important to choose a set that has clear and distinct pieces that are easy to differentiate.

Neglecting Contrast in Colors

Similarly, parents may overlook the importance of contrast in colors between the pieces and the board. If the pieces blend into the board, your child may have difficulty distinguishing between them. This can cause them to waste mental energy trying to figure out which piece is which, instead of focusing on strategy.

Focusing on Price Over Quality

Some parents may opt for cheaper sets, believing that they won’t make a significant investment until their child shows a real interest in the game. However, a low-quality Chess set can hinder your child’s enjoyment of the game, and they may lose interest quickly. Investing in a high-quality Chess set from the start will help ensure that your child can fully engage with the game and develop their skills.

Purchasing a Set that’s Too Advanced

Another common mistake that parents make is purchasing a Chess set that’s too advanced for their child’s skill level. If the pieces are too complex or the board too large, it can be overwhelming and frustrating for a child just starting with the game. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose a Chess set that’s appropriate for your child’s age and skill level.

Overlooking Storage and Portability

Finally, parents may overlook the importance of storage and portability when purchasing a Chess set. If the set is not easily portable or doesn’t come with storage, it can be challenging to bring it with you when traveling or to keep the set organized. Look for a set that comes with a storage case or bag and is easy to transport.

Purchasing your child’s first Chess set is an exciting milestone. However, it’s important to avoid common mistakes, such as choosing a poorly crafted set, neglecting clarity and contrast in colors, focusing on price over quality, purchasing a set that’s too advanced, and overlooking storage and portability. By keeping these tips in mind, you’ll be able to choose the perfect Chess set for your child and help them fully engage with this fascinating game.

