The Art of Authentic Self-Promotion: 5 Strategies for Reluctant Marketers

6 min readJul 29, 2024


In today’s digital world, self-branding is essential for success, what I am trying to tell you here is that it is mandatory for you to sell yourself or in another words self-selling.

Do you ever feel like you have something super cool to share with the world, but you’re not sure how to tell people about it? Maybe you’re really good at drawing, or you know a lot about dinosaurs, or you can make the best chocolate chip cookies ever. Whatever it is, it’s totally okay to want to tell others about it!

But here’s the thing: sometimes, talking about how great we are at something can feel a bit… weird. Like we’re showing off or bragging. And nobody wants to be that person who’s always saying, “Look at me! I’m so awesome!”

Well, guess what? There are ways to tell people about your amazing skills without feeling icky about it. In fact, when you do it right, it can be fun and help you make new friends or even earn some money doing what you love!

So, let’s talk about how you can share your awesomeness with the world in a way that feels good and helps others at the same time. Ready? Let’s go!

1. Change How You Think About It

First things first: let’s talk about how we think about sharing our skills.

Imagine you have a delicious cookie recipe. If you keep it all to yourself, sure, you get to enjoy yummy cookies. But what if you shared that recipe with your friends? They’d get to enjoy tasty cookies too! And they’d probably think you’re pretty cool for sharing.

That’s kind of what it’s like when you share your talents with the world. You’re not bragging — you’re helping people by showing them something awesome that they might not have known about before.

So instead of thinking, “Oh no, I don’t want to show off,” try thinking, “I have something cool to share that might help someone or make them happy!”

• Sharing your skills isn’t bragging — it’s being helpful
• Your talents are like a gift — and gifts are meant to be shared!
• When you share what you’re good at, you might inspire others to do the same

2. Tell Your Story

Everyone loves a good story, right? Well, guess what — you have one too! Your story is all about how you got to be so awesome at what you do.

Think about it:
• How did you first get interested in your thing? (Maybe you saw a cool movie about space and decided you wanted to learn all about stars)
• What was hard about learning it? (Like when you tried to bake cookies for the first time and they came out all burnt)
• What did you learn along the way? (Maybe you figured out that adding extra chocolate chips makes cookies even yummier)
• Where are you now? (You can make cookies so good that your whole family fights over the last one)
• What do you want to do next? (Open your own cookie shop one day!)

When you tell your story, people get to know the real you. They see that you worked hard to get good at your thing, and that makes them interested in what you have to say.

Here’s a fun way to practice: pretend you’re a superhero, and you’re telling the story of how you got your superpowers. What challenges did you face? How did you overcome them? What amazing things can you do now?

• Everyone loves a good story — including yours!
• Sharing how you learned your skills shows people you worked hard
• Your story helps people get to know the real you

3. Use Your Online Spaces Wisely

Okay, so you’ve got your awesome skills and your cool story. Now, where do you share them?

Well, if you use the internet, you probably have some online spaces where you can talk about yourself. These might be:
• Your profile on any social media you use
• A page on your school’s website
• A blog you write

These spaces are like your own personal billboard. You get to choose what goes on them! So why not use them to tell people about your awesome skills?

Here are some ideas:
• If you’re great at drawing, you could say “I love creating colorful cartoon characters!”
• If you know a lot about bugs, you might put “Ask me anything about insects — I’m bug-crazy!”
• If you make awesome cookies, you could write “Future master baker — chocolate chip is my specialty!”

The key is to be clear about what you’re good at and what you like doing. That way, if someone needs help with something you’re great at, they’ll know to ask you!

• Your online spaces are like your personal billboard
• Be clear about what you’re good at
• Make it easy for people to know what you love doing

4. Sign Your Emails with Style

Do you ever send emails? Maybe to your follower or to a friend in another city? Well, at the end of every email, there’s a space where you can write a little bit about yourself. It’s called a signature.

Your email signature is like a little advertisement for you that goes out with every email. So why not use it to share something cool about yourself?

Here are some ideas:
• “Kat — Discover how we can help design great logos that perfectly represent your brand”
• “Priyadarshani — Learn about my latest content creation strategy for fast-tracking success and boosting engagement!”
• “Alex — I can help you to double your email subscribers results!”

Keep it short and fun. The idea is to give people a little peek at what makes you special.

• Your email signature goes out with every email you send
• Use it to share something cool about yourself
• Keep it short and fun

5. Share Your Journey, Not Just the End Result

Imagine you’re watching a movie, but you only get to see the last five minutes. That wouldn’t be very fun, right? You’d miss all the exciting parts where the hero goes on adventures and learns new things!

Well, when you’re sharing your skills with the world, it’s the same thing. Don’t just show people the finished product — take them on the journey with you!

Here’s what that might look like:
• If you’re learning to play guitar, share videos of your practice sessions, not just your perfect performances
• If you’re writing a story, talk about your ideas and ask for suggestions, don’t just show the finished book
• If you’re training for a race, post updates on your progress, not just a picture at the finish line

When you share your journey:
• People get to see how hard you’re working
• They feel like they’re part of your adventure
• They get excited to see what you’ll do next

Plus, it takes the pressure off you to be perfect all the time. Everyone makes mistakes when they’re learning, and that’s okay!

• Share your whole journey, not just the end result
• Let people see your hard work and progress
• It’s okay to show mistakes — that’s part of learning!

There are many ways you sell-yourself without bragging to others. I will create another part of this, if you say “Yes” here.

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Igniting Inspiration | Positivity Promoter Extraordinaire Uplifting storyteller 💌Encouraging emailer 🎈Celebrating smiles 🙌Cheering others on 🌟