Using Face_Recognition Library in Google Colab

Alfred Rojo
5 min readJun 13, 2022


This library is one of the basic ways to create a deep learning project. The project will use the face_recognition library to detect and recognize faces in photos. All of the process will be conducted in Google Colab, a free cloud-based-like Jupyter notebook. This is perfect to those who would like to experiment deep learning concepts without requiring a high-performance computer.

Setting up

Step 1: Open and make create a new notebook in Google Colab

Open Google Colab

Create a new notebook by clicking File -> New notebook

Step 2: Connect the notebook to Google Drive

To connect your Google Drive to Google Colab, click the folder icon at the lowest left side -> Mount Drive -> Connect to Google Drive

Step 3: Change runtime type to GPU

Google Colab have a subscription model if you opt for a more reliable use of online GPU but free tier is also available.

To change runtime type to GPU, click Runtime -> Change runtime type -> select GPU from the Hardware accelerator option -> Save

Running the code

Step 1: Install the face recognition library

Install face_recognition library to the notebook which makes each of the photos go through a pre-trained network and generate 128 unique numbered measurements for each of the faces.

!pip install face_recognition

Step 2: Make the known directory

I have chosen 5 different types of faces and skin tones. These are Joe Biden, Tim Cook, Tsai YingWen, Queen Elizabeth, and Kim Kardashian. You may choose your own set of known faces. Just paste the link of your chosen individual and add -O known/mark.jpg (or any other name to designate the photo) after the pasted link.

!mkdir known

!wget -O known/joe.jpg

!wget -O known/tim.jpg

!wget -O known/tsai.jpg

!wget -O known/eli.jpg

!wget -O known/kim.jpg

Step 3: Make the unknown directory

I have choose 6 different unknown photos with 5 of these people are from the known photos. I chose a more challenging photos especially with the same people but having different hair type, facial expression and even their younger selves. Make sure to add in increments -O unknown/1.jpg at the end of the pasted link.

!mkdir unknown

!wget -O unknown/1.jpg

!wget!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2014/06/09/851/n/1922398/3632cf41be3e254b_98285808_10/i/When-Her-Outfit-Matches-Perfectly.jpg -O unknown/2.jpg

!wget -O unknown/3.jpg

!wget -O unknown/4.jpg

!wget -O unknown/5.jpg

!wget -O unknown/6.jpg

Step 4: Import all other necessary libraries

import face_recognition

import cv2

import os

from google.colab.patches import cv2_imshow

Step 5: Read and resize the images

Some of the selected images size are not not alike. In order to match the size of the photos, it needs to be resized first.

def read_img(path):

img = cv2.imread(path)

(h, w) = img.shape[:2]

width = 500

ratio = width / float(w)

height = int(h * ratio)

return cv2.resize(img, (width, height))

Step 6: Storing and handling of the known images

known_encodings = []

known_names = []

known_dir = ‘known’

Step 7: Iterating the known images

for file in os.listdir(known_dir):

img = read_img(known_dir + ‘/’ + file)

img_enc = face_recognition.face_encodings(img)[0]



Step 8: Comparing images by generating the unknown encodings

unknown_dir = ‘unknown’

for file in os.listdir(unknown_dir):

print(“Processing”, file)

img = read_img(unknown_dir + ‘/’ + file)

img_enc = face_recognition.face_encodings(img)[0]

Step 9: Check which of the faces in known and unknown photos are similar.

results = face_recognition.compare_faces(known_encodings, img_enc)

for i in range(len(results)):

if results[i]:

name = known_names[i]

(top, right, bottom, left) = face_recognition.face_locations(img)[0]

cv2.rectangle(img, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 0, 255), 2)

cv2.putText(img, name, (left+2, bottom+20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, (255, 255, 255), 1)



Mostly accurate results

Of the 6 unknown photos that has been selected, the results shows that 4 of those photos are the same as the ones in the known photos. The left side of the photos below are from the known directory while the right side are from the unknown directory.

The face of Queen Elizabeth was accurately recognized by the algorithm.
These photos portrays different facial expressions of the same person. The algorithm still recognized who the person is.
These photos portrays different facial expressions, face angle, and glasses of the same person. The algorithm still recognized who the person is.
These photos portrays the same person but different face angle, facial expression, and time period (one older and younger version of themselves). The algorithm still recognized who the person is.
This is an extra photo added in the unknown directory to test the accuracy of the algorithm.

The outlier

These two photos are the same person but the algorithm did not recognized them. This might be because of their facial angle, facial expression, and/or hair style.

This project is inspired by Adam Geitgey ( and explained by Adarsh Menon (

