20 Cheat codes for life

Alfie does Medium
2 min readDec 26, 2023


Photo by Jack Hunter on Unsplash
  1. Workout, it will improve you health, life expectancy, quality of life and happiness. Find a way that you enjoy and do it often!
  2. Eat a healthy and high protein diet. Try to make it as natural and unprocessed as possible. You body will thank you, you will have more energy, focus and motivation.
  3. When lifting weights use mind muscle connection to increase muscle contraction. Focus on the part of your body your working out and try to feel it. It may time a while but once you get the hang of it your workouts will be more beneficial and enjoyable.
  4. Start your day with a glass of water.
  5. Delay coffee for at least the first hour of the day upon waking. This lets cortisol clear out adenosine, which can lead to sustained energy into the the afternoon.
  6. Use you nose for smelling and breathing. Use your mouth for talking and eating. Mouth breathing disrupts sleeps, ruins oral health and causes sleep apnea. If you need too try mouth taping when sleeping.
  7. Make a habit of sleeping at the same time each night, avoid liquids two hours before sleep and food three hours before sleep. If possible buy blue light stopping glasses. You will spend 1/3 of your life asleep, make it as good as possible!
  8. Memory is fallible, make a note of any good ideas you have. A lot of your best ideas will come when walking, in the shower or in the gym. Keep a notes page on your phone and jot them down ASAP.
  9. Close the toilet bowl before flushing the toilet and always make sure the bowl is closed before showering!
  10. Stay away from people who are always complaining, there energy vampires.
  11. Seek rejection, this numbs your to the feeling, you also only get what you ask for.
  12. Take ownership of every result in your life, good and bad. The only constant in these results is you.
  13. Be in rooms where you are the dumbest person.
  14. When feeling emotional, don’t numb it, feel it and let it go.
  15. You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat people they feel are lower than them (for example a cleaner at work).
  16. Your choice of partner will determine your levels of peace and happiness, choose carefully don’t always just take the first option.
  17. Your perception is reality, if you want a better reality change your perception.
  18. You will never be this young again, take chances and live life to the fullest. You don’t regret the chances you took that didn’t work out and the chances you missed out on taking.
  19. Show up, do your work and seek improvement. Do this everyday and you life will blossom.
  20. Seek feedback from the people in the arena, not those in the cheap seats booing.

