What Dermal filler goes where?

2 min readJul 14, 2023


Patients often ask why different fillers are chosen for different parts of the face. While many patients are aware there are different brands of dermal fillers like Bonetta, Bellast, and Neuramis, very few patients are aware of what makes these fillers different. 😉


Many dermal fillers are made up of hyaluronic acid, a compound found naturally in our cells. This substance binds with the water in our tissue, making our skin supple and more hydrated. Each of these brands of fillers has different-sized molecules that affect the placement of the filler and ultimately how it will integrate with a patient’s tissue.

Dermal fillers with smaller molecules spread more thinly and are used in superficial areas like fine lines and lip lines to provide a delicate contour.

Dermal fillers with larger molecules are injected deeper into the tissue to lift and project areas like the cheeks, jawline, and chin where we need more support and structure.


  • Bonetta filler deep
  • Bellast premium L
  • Neuramis deep lidocaine

Prominent under-eye

  • Bonetta filler fine
  • Bellast premium soft L
  • Neuramis lidocaine
  • Neuramis light lidocaine


  • Bonetta filler deep
  • Bellast premium plus
  • Neuramis volume lidocaine


  • Bonetta filler volume
  • Bellast premium L
  • Neuramis volume lidocaine


  • Bonetta filler volume
  • Bellast premium plus
  • Neuramis volume lidocaine


  • Bonetta filler fine
  • Bellast premium L
  • Neuramis deep lidocaine

