Alfred George
2 min readDec 5, 2017

Why religion is becoming more powerful in India

Like many other cultures Indian culture is deeply dependent on religion. Even though there were communal clashes in the past, the common people across communities never hated each other. But things are changing really fast. The amount of hate spreading through social media and by other means is more than enough to make a sane person sick.

So why there is a sudden surge of militant right wing groups in almost all religions? We can’t blame any single political party for that. Almost all of them played their role in mixing religion with politics but only few of them mastered in it.

So why people give so much importance to god even though no one saw that person ever? The answer is simple because God help students to pass an exam, he help youngsters to buy a motorbike, helps parents to get their daughter married and so and so.

The neo liberal economic policies resulted in creation of lakhs of jobs and opportunities. Without any doubt we can say that it resulted in the creation of an aspiring middle class across India. Many still feel that India could have opened its market a bit more earlier. The new economic policy also introduced several gadgets and services to our society.

The influx of new luxury goods made Indian middle desperate to acquire them. So what is the most easy way to acquire something?. For majority of Indian middle class the answer is pray to god. In the greed to acquire new gadgets and services they started praying madly. This made them more and more religious as well as retarded.

Suddenly gods across religion in India become elevated to super hero status. There were numerous clashes between supporters of different super heroes. Suddenly religion become an important issue in politics. Remember Indians are a society which elected an atheist as their first Prime Minister. Now I am pretty sure that the modern Indian society can’t think about electing an atheist as their top leader because today religion become so much inter mingled with politics.

Since the advent of social media a new hate wave is spreading throughout the country. If this present trend continues I am sure that at some point everything will reach it’s breaking point and India may witness some serious danger. Let’s hope that nothing like that happens ever. Last but not least, people could practice their religion but remember that it is strictly a private matter.