Exploring the Power of Capterra: How Paid Reviews Became a Gateway to New Possibilities.

alfred olekoiyala
3 min readDec 21, 2023

Discovering opportunities in unexpected places can be a game-changer. My journey into earning on Capterra began when a client hired me to write paid reviews for their software. Little did I know this experience would open doors to a new realm of possibilities.

What Motivated me?

Image from the author’s capterra’s email

After receiving payments for reviews, my curiosity was piqued. What if I could explore more on my own?

Motivated by the prospect of independence, I took the plunge and created my account on Capterra.

How Did It Happen?

I started by doing what I knew best — writing genuine customer reviews for the software I had used. The initial steps were uncertain filled with errors and failures. However, perseverance and learning from mistakes eventually helped me grasp the ropes.

My First Success:

I was delighted when I got my first successful transaction — a $30 gift card.

And I was “like” what! The excitement fueled my determination, and the earnings kept growing from there.

Image by the author

Utilizing Earnings:

While the gift cards were limited to specific places, I went with Amazon.

I found creative ways to utilize them. I used the earnings to shop on Amazon for courses, books, and even surprising friends with thoughtful gifts.

It turned out to be a savvy financial move, redirecting the money that would have gone to those expenses to other projects.

Overcoming Setbacks:

Only some things were smooth sailing. I faced a challenge when I realized I couldn’t withdraw the earnings as cash.

However, resilience kicked in, and I found a solution by redeeming the gift cards and using them to shop on Amazon.

Image by the author

Reflecting on this journey, I’ve realized that if you have experience using software, Capterra can be a fantastic platform to write honest reviews and earn money.

The experience taught me that freelancing is a tangible path for anyone willing to explore and seize opportunities.

Earning money through freelancing platforms like Capterra is not just a possibility; it’s a reality waiting for us to explore.

The journey might have started with paid reviews, but the lessons learned and the doors opened have been invaluable.



alfred olekoiyala

Writer/ I talk about making money online and life lessons.