MPower POS Android App

Meet the MPower POS

Alfred Rowe
4 min readMar 6, 2016

I’m very passionate about Fintech, its opportunities and its ability to shape up the next wave of Startups & SMEs. Just 4–5 years ago, you wouldn’t have found such amazing startups like we have today in Ghana.

Fintech companies have done a massive job to advance & expand the opportunities available to businesses, last thing businesses have to worry about today is “How do we collect payments?”.

We are pushing the opportunities further with the upcoming launch of the MPower POS Mobile App. We will be exploring some of the features and how the system works with your MPower Account.


  1. What is MPower POS (Point of Sale) App?
    Its a very simple mobile application that works on any decent Android phone and allows businesses to accept payments from MPower users and mobile wallets (MTN/Airtel) in Ghana (>4 million users); Sell from anywhere at anytime. Set-up and maintain sales points easily; all you need to do is to download the app and sign up and MPower automatically serves you with useful updates.
  2. What’s so special about this particular POS?
    For starters its inexpensive, you can simply download & install it on your android device, unlike traditional POS devices that are bulky, expensive and requires a brain surgeon to operate.
    Its also easy to setup, you don’t need a technician to get you setup, simply do everything from the comfort of your location.
    You have control of all your POS setups from your MPower Account, you don’t need certification in a TMS (Terminal Management System) to manage your POS.
    You can access all transactions from your MPower Account, you can view transactions for selected POS Devices, etc.
  3. What do I need to get started?
    An Activated MPower Business Account & A decent android device. Log onto your MPower Account Goto Settlement Account -> Account Operations -> MPOS Devices. You are home free :)
  4. Does it cost me anything?
    A Very BIG No!!! Besides your regular MPower transactional fees, its absolutely FREE to setup and activate your POS Device.
  5. Are there any limits on how many devices I can activate?
    You can activate as many devices as you want.
  6. How can I withdraw payments processed from POS Devices?
    All payments accepted via your POS Devices are consolidated in your MPower Settlement Account. If you are already familiar with MPower you should know you can withdraw funds to any Bank Account in Ghana. We also released a “Settlement Sweep” feature, this allows you to specify a Bank Account where funds are automatically settled.

Putting absolute control in the hands of our customers.

MPower Payments from inception has always given customers a lot more control. The MPower POS continues the tradition of giving control to our customers. From your MPower Account you can do the following

  1. Setup, Manage & View POS Devices
  2. View All or Specific POS Device Transactions
  3. Setup Automatic Bank Account Sweeps
  4. View all withdrawals on your Settlement Account

In short you can start accepting payments via MPower POS without making a trip to our offices.

Accepting Mobile Money payments in store, any advantages?

Unless you’ve not been spending time monitoring the Fintech Space in Ghana, you must know Mobile Money is the most widely used mode of payments.

When it comes down to offline payments I think Mobile Money easily beats Bank Cards. Even more interestingly, Mobile Money is the most preferred mode of payments for online transactions as well (Statistics from MPower shows Mobile Money beats Bank Cards by 2 to 3 folds hands down)

This means that businesses are actually losing out big time by not accepting mobile money as a form of payment in-store. MPower POS puts businesses right in the center of the rising tide.

The Absolute Advantage for our Customers

MPower Payments is all about streamlining and consolidating your payment processing. You may have already integrated MPower into your website to accept Payments, our POS App allows businesses accept payments offline whiles still enjoying all the benefits of their MPower Account.

A Business like Telefonika Ghana who already use MPower to accept payments on their online store can now setup their physical stores to accept payments using MPower POS and have all their transactions consolidated inside their MPower Account.

Whats Next?

We have started active work on the iOS Edition of MPower POS. We are still expanding MPower Merchant Operations & Tools. There will be a series of Major Updates & Improvements going forward and 2016 already looks promising and exciting.



Alfred Rowe

Ruby Programmer & Entrepreneur living in Accra. Consultant @Andela, Senior Sorcerer @eGotickets