The one (and only) way to boost your productivity

Algert Sula
3 min readApr 23, 2016


Articles about boosting your productivity have become part of my daily life these days. There is simply no way to avoid them. As I get ready to start the day, I’m certain that a link to an article about productivity will be waiting in my inbox, Twitter or Medium feed.

Searching Google for “ways to increase your productivity” returns about 1,420,000 results and the number of suggested ways to achieving “ultimate performance” varies from 5 simple ones to a mind blowing 77. Really? Seventy seven ways to increase your productivity?

Taking the time to read about 77 ways to increase your productivity sounds pretty unproductive to begin with.

Page 1 of 1-million-billion-gazillion search results

Laziness ❤ Efficiency

I’m a sucker for efficency and as a designer I go to great lengths to achieve it. But, don’t get me wrong, I don’t do it because of some noble cause or self betterment. I do it simply because I’m LAZY, and being efficient is the only way to deal with the fact. Laziness and efficiency work together in mysterious ways, always leading to productivity.

Going back to the articles, I’ve read many of them (as I’m sure you have too), but the end result, almost every time has been the opposite of being productive — wasting time I cannot get back!

In addition, I’ve experimented with various ways to be productive, and ultimately I’ve come to the concluson that there is only one approach that always works. Ready? Here it is:


GIF used without the permission of James Corden

Yep, the good old mental focus! Sorry if you thought it was going to be some sort of a new and revolutionary technique of doing things, but it’s the same mental focus that many talk about, but few practice. While there is a plethora of articles on this topic as well, it is undeniably the most realistic way to boost your productivity.

Think about it!

Remember that time you kicked some serious butt in beer pong? That was mental focus! What about the time you crushed the score in Candy Crush™(cheesy pun intended)? Yep, you guessed it, that was mental focus too!

High mental focus is a common trait amongst succesful people like Serena Williams, Tiger Woods (pre-playboy days), Mark Zuckerberg and others. They have mastered it and learned to use it to their advantage.

But, how do you achieve high mental focus? I don’t think the definite answer to that exists as everyone is different and therefore our journey’s to get to there will vary, but the one thing I have come to strongly believe in, is that practicing mental focus is the simplest and most realistic way to becoming a more productive individual.

Thank you for reading.

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