Meet Hai Feng, student at Shanghai Polytechnic and Unilancer!

Alexandre Gonfalonieri
3 min readMay 18, 2017


Hai Feng, Unilancer, China

Today, we are proud to share with our growing community, the story of one of us. Hai was among the first chinese students to create a Unilance account.

Hai is a 22 year-old student from Shanghai Polytechnic passionate about new technologies, robotics and consumer electronics. He grew up in China, in Shenzen, the “silicon valley of Asia” where the most important tech companies of the world outsource their production. Surrounded by electronic spare parts and highly innovative products, Hai was quickly attracted by this industry. Driven by this passion of hardware and management, Hai joined Shanghai Polytechnic in 2015. Hai’s goal is to create his own startup related to connected objects.

During my freetime, I used to work as a waiter in one of the many small restaurants located in downtown Shenzen, having to cope with the expensive tuition fees, I decided to try Unilance in March 2017.

“ I heard about freelance before but never really tried it, I tought it was only for highly-skilled professionals”

On the other side, I realized that many small foreign companies wanted to have a better understanding of the Chinese market or average customer through a benchmark or a market study. I saw the opportunity and I decided to focus on helping foreign companies to tackle the chinese market. As an exemple, I was contacted by a company specialized in French pastries, they wanted me to identify the top touristic locations in Shanghai and Beijing, analyze the competition in these areas for their business.

Furthermore, they asked me to perform an in-depth analysis within retail stores (Carrefour, Wall Mart) and gather the prices of the competition and their packaging elements. An easy task for someone that studies Marketing and Management. It gave me the opportunity to learn a lot about Trade Marketing elements, the entire strategy behind your position on the shelf.

“From my home, I can now work with foreign companies, that’s amazing!”

My budget was nearly 300 dollars and the period to accomplish the mission was only one week. This amount of money is important for a student in China and it helped me a lot in my daily life, and also contributed to improve my resume. Today, I can say that I have already collaborated with foreign companies and that I have developed a strong professionalism, and thus proved my competencies. I check Unilance on a daily basis to remain informed about new missions mainly related to China. I have developed a good relationship with European managers that could be useful for me when I am in need to find an internship abroad.

We wish all the best to Hai and to all of the Unilances abroad helping small and important companies in their international operations. Stay tuned for more great stories of this growing community.

