Leveling up your CSS skills in a cool way

3 min readApr 5, 2024

When it comes to frontend dev , a developer can’t deny the importance of CSS . Although we have frameworks including Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS , Bulma etc. One needs to have a strong foundation of the basic CSS concepts , which will definitely be beneficial in learning more advanced aforementioned CSS frameworks.

Of course you don’t need to memorize each and every tiny bit of CSS properties ,selectors ,etc. but must be familiar with the important concepts such as the box model (padding, border, margin),grid, flexbox to name a few.

For mastering CSS, the better and quicker way is to practice it by coding and visualizing the different CSS components (props ,selectors ,values ,etc.) in addition to watching videos and tutorials .

This habit of practicing will help you build a muscle memory which will be quite beneficial in your frontend dev journey.

Once you have got your basics firm , do a mini project , such as maybe creating a personal portfolio site, simple photo gallery kind of site ,tourism website among many others.

During my early days of learning web development , I came across this website and also used it for practicing and upping my CSS skills .

Just visit this website , it is an amazing platform to practice CSS . To give a short description of it : This is the info taken from the website . I would definitely recommend this website from my personal experience , do consider giving it a shot!

“CSSBattle is an online CSS Code Golfing game. Here, players from all around the world try to visually replicate “Targets” in smallest possible CSS code and battle it out to get to the top of the leaderboard.”

For my competitive programming folks out there, there is no harm in calling this website a competitive programming platform for frontend devs :) !


My developer friends, please feel free to comment with any additional resources you may have tried!

Image Source : Google

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🚀 Tech enthusiast | Computer Science explorer | Web development aficionado 🌐