Difference between Salesmanship and Selling

Al-Haq Traders
1 min readMay 6, 2016

Difference between Salesmanship and Selling often not considered. Even When you ask this question to people, most of them will be unable to distinguish and answer. Salesmanship & Selling in general are considered the same thing. People say Salesmanship is selling but actually they are totally different in Business terminology.

Salesmanship Selling

There major Difference between Salesmanship and Selling is that Selling is process of transferring goods or services to buyer in return of money or something else by Registered Business. On the other hand Salesmanship is actually the way you convince your prospect with logic, arguments and product features to buy it from you and not from other suppliers.


Originally published at Al-Haq Traders.



Al-Haq Traders

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