Sulaiman Alhasawi is an independent researcher, developer and blogger. Sulaiman Alhasawi [@alhasawi] currently lives in Kuwait. Sulaiman has a long experience in information technology and cyber security for over 20 years. He is specialized in Cyber security and Industrial Cyber Security (ICS) security. He has a bachelor and a Phd degree in computer science. The topic of his PhD thesis : ICSrank: A Security Assessment Framework for Industrial Control Systems (ICS)

Sulaiman invented and developed a risk scoring system to rank ICS vulnerabilities “ICSRank” .ICSrank is tailored for ICS and is an attempt to develop a more accurate risk scoring system. Sulaiman has long research and practical experience in many aspects of IT and ICS cyber security. Sulaiman conducted many ICS projects on industrial organizations in Kuwait. Sulaiman has contributed to the ICS community by developing security tools and resources in Github. Please check out his LinkedIn profile .

Sulaiman Alhasawi runs his own Youtube channel “ICS Arabia“. ICS Arabia is a channel about cyber security and ICS . Sulaiman interviews ICS and IT security specialists from all over the world. Sulaiman also provides tutorials and guides about ICS security on ICS Arabia and his blog.

Sulaiman Alhasawi is a Speaker at:

The 2nd Kuwait Hackers Conference, February 2019, Kuwait. OWASP Kuwait chapter, April 2019, Kuwait. Kaspersky Industrial Cybersecurity Conference 2022, September 2022, Sochi, Russia.

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Medium member since March 2023