Random act of kindness

Ali Haider Sheikh
4 min readFeb 23, 2019


Can you recall a time somebody was kind to you?

Now change the scenario and think of a time you were kind to another person? Call to mind their reaction and how you responded.

Move into your heart and notice the feelings there. Everybody can appreciate acts of kindness. But when it comes to explaining why we do them, people often take one of two extreme positions. Some think kindness is something completely selfless that we do out of love and care, while others believe it is just a tool that we cunningly use to become more popular and reap the benefits.

Little things matter a lot, through small gestures we can make someone's day. Helping others and living for others should be on your priority list. We all do kind acts every day and we don’t even notice that we did something good today like opening a door or someone or passing a good smile to your friend, these all are small acts of kindness which make this world a beautiful place to live.

I want to share some of the kind things I did this week intentionally and unintentionally. On last Sunday I was very hungry and it was around 1 am, it was very cold out there. I order something to eat and when I got to door to pick my order I saw a 45-year-old guy on a bicycle with my order. I felt so bad that in this cold at this time he is going through houses to feed other people and make a living out of it and he was so energetic that we said to me while giving my meal that “I brought is so fast so you can don’t have to put it in microwave”. He made my day and what I did is, I tipped him good so he could buy something good for his family.

“Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” — Mark Twain

On Tuesday my parents were going to the hospital due to an appointment and on the same day, we were expecting guests at our house so my mother called me to come home early so I could attend the housemaid so she could clean the house. I came to a home early from University and found out that the maid didn't come due to any reason. So instead of calling my mother and giving her this bad news, I tried to do the cleaning of my own and soon my brother joined me from school and we contributed our part. My mother was so happy and hugged us for this kind act and believe me it was worth it. :)

“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” ― Dalai Lama XIV

This Wednesday I was returning to my home from university and It was raining a lot. I was happy that day because we won a final of a tournament that day. On my home, I was on a bicycle with a friend and near the orange line, there was a rickshaw stuck in a manhole cover with water. No one was helping him and there were 2 kids in that rickshaw and that poor old man was trying to lift it by own. So my friend stopped the bike and we ran to help that old guy and I saw other people also started to come to help us and there was a guy in the big car that gave a thumbs up for the gesture. What I learned that if you start to help someone with a problem even though it difficult and out of reach, you should give it a try and you will see that other people will also help to minimize the problem.

Do see this video to understand how small act of kindness results in big changes.

I helped my friend in his assignment and gave my assignment to him so he could have a guess how to do it. I got a biryaani in a bag when I was returning from Jumma prayers and I gave that to a cobbler. I helped an aunty in my colony by lifting her groceries to her house because she lived on the 4th floor of the building. All these were done unintentionally, and believe me, these were the things that made me happy only seeing a smile on someone’s else face because of us is the best feeling ever.

Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said,

“Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith”

I wish to leave you with a passage from Mother Teresa’s poem titled Anyway, in which she states: “People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway.”



Ali Haider Sheikh

21 || Student ||Lahore, Pakistan || Being unique is better than being perfect.