There Are No Shortcuts To Real Success.

Ali Haider Sheikh
4 min readMar 29, 2019


These three months were really amazing for me and I have learned a lot in these few months. The teachers and fellows were like family to me and through their love and support, these three months went so fast within a blink of an eye. I can feel the real difference and positive change within me after these three months. As from the title of this blog you can see that what I have learned and experienced the most important lesson from the fellowship.

There are no short cuts to real success. We have to strive hard and give our time to achieve something really important. Maybe shortcuts might help you in the short run but for real success, we have to give our hundred percent to achieve our goals and dreams. Here in Amal from the first day we got our project work in which there was a project named as ‘JUSTSTART’

In which we have to write about something that we wanted to do for so long but couldn’t do due to some reasons and this created a message that we have to give time to our goals to achieve them.

So many people are in such a hurry to success that they eagerly take any shortcuts that come across their way. In reality, shortcuts usually lead to disappointments rather than quicker success. The key to any long term success is to take the necessary steps to steadily progress rather than skip any of them.

“There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs”

In Amal, they mainly focused on developing our skills and polishing the skills we have, through different activities in groups we learned teamwork skills, through actively participating in In-person sessions it helped to improve our communication skills and boost up our confidence. Like for a job we have to make a resume or Cv with a cover letter in order to get an interview call but most of the people don’t invest their time and energy while editing them for every organization for which they are applying and apply shortcuts by making one general CV or resume and cover letter and sending them to all the organization to which they are applying, and in the end they didn’t receive the interview call. We have to avoid these short cuts and have to invest our time and energy in order to customize our CV/Resume and cover letter to increase our chances of getting selected.

Then after getting selected, we have to invest our energy to prepare for an interview for which Amal has this great course known as PASSENGER, which creates a bigger picture that how to ace an interview, again not a short cut we have to invest our time and energy.

From my own example that I have invested the time and energy in these three months on fellowship along with my studies, to achieve something fruitful and to improve myself indicates that shorts don’t work.

Even in our Megaproject, we had to give our time and energy in order to make it successful and it also involved the learnings which we were learning from our PWs and In-person sessions.

Although it is wise to get proper coaching, instruction and mentoring for your goals, these are not considered shortcuts. They are just more efficient ways to learn the skills required for success. However, time with a coach or instructor does not replace the steps one must take in order to be successful.

You still have to do your part of the work whether it’s working out at the gym or building wealth. The bottom line is that there are no true shortcuts to real success.

Many of the goals we want to achieve have already been achieved by countless numbers of other people. Follow their examples and take the same type of steps they had to take in order to be successful. Each step is very much like a little success on its own and little successes do add up. Pay your dues to steadily develop towards success rather than take detours on shortcuts that can actually set you back.

There are many examples of people that used the tool of working hard and are famous and successful, few of them are:

  1. J.K Rowling
  2. Jim Carrey
  3. Emily Blunt

I’ll adopt this lesson and will implement it in every stage of my life in order to succeed. Like currently I’m a student, so I will focus on my academics and co-curricular activities and will give my best as there are no short cuts also in future too. As failure is also a part of our life sometimes we do hard work but we don’t get desired results but we have to keep putting our efforts and something amazing will surely come.

“The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary”



Ali Haider Sheikh

21 || Student ||Lahore, Pakistan || Being unique is better than being perfect.