Interested Challenge

Ali Sher
1 min readNov 13, 2019


Before going onto the challenge, I would like to tell you an interesting experience of mine. I normally observe people a lot and learn things from them. As in this case I have adopted a good habit of my friend. He always had that habit before talking to a person he ask from him/her “How are you?” “What about your health?” “Is there everything all right?”. I mostly found his way more effective then mine so I started to do so and I found that way much more effective than the normal way of communication like people were giving me more positive response. Most of them were very happy with the way I speak them.


Coming onto the experience I was having a formal conversation with my friend I asked from him about his health and then about his parent’s health and being more interested in him rather than showing all interest in myself and he really was very happy with my conversation and he too showed a good character by asking same questions and we both have a great conversation.



Ali Sher

I’ll write what is truth it might be bitter but it is truth indeed.