The Urban Morning

Run & Rush

Aliasger Yusuf
1 min readDec 6, 2019
People running here and there in urban morning
Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

The mist and the morning blue,
The rise of sun anew,
To begin a fresh a day,
In battle of life to stay.

With tinkling of the bells,
Efforts to avert the hell,
Pray that each may,
Get success in the day

Sleepy eyes of children,
Rise from the dream of golden,
Rush to reach the school,
To join the Educated Pool.

Oh! How they hustle — bustle,
With household chores they wrestle,
Hastily breakfast make,
And luncheon for all to take.

Queues of men and women,
Rows of pretty children,
For means of transportation,
To reach their destination.

Night has come and day has passed,
Golden streaks all gone at last,
Darkness runs into whiteness plain,
To turn the wheels of action again

