The Palestine-Israel Dispute

Qurban Ali
1 min readJun 8, 2024


It is a complex conflict between Palestine and Israel over territory , political power and identity. the modern conflict has its roots in the early 20th CE with the rise of movement for jewish homeland and Arab nationalism.

Key Issues

Israel occupies the Westbank and Gaza Strip, which Palestine claims as their territory.

Both sides claim Jerusalem as their capital , Palestine demands the right to return to their ancestral homes, while Israel insists on their majority.

Peaceful Efforts And Involvement Of International Bodies

The United Nation(UN) has condemned Israeli occupation and called for a two state solution.

Arab states and organisations like the European Union have also been involved in peace efforts.

Role Of Hezbollah

It is a shia militant organization which played a very important role in this conflict they are openly supporting the Palestine military groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad against Isreal

Current Situation Of Palestine-Israel Conflict

Fighting between Israeli forces and hamas continues in Gaza with both sides accusing each other of aggression efforts for ceasefire and negotiation have been unsuccessful and the chance of escalation increases

Potential Solution

Establish an independent Palestinian alongside the state of Israel with mutually agreed borders and security agreements.

Establish a special international regime for Capital city Jerusalem recognizing its significance to both sides. Increase the interdependence and economic cooperation. Encourage the international community to facilitate negotiations and provide the support. Negotiation is the only way to resolve every dispute

