I Analyzed 500 Businesses. Here’s What I Learnt

Alla Adam
3 min readFeb 21, 2018


“Everything we see hides another thing, we always want to see what is hidden by what we see.” René Magritte

What leads you to change? Extreme pain or extreme curiosity. Better both.

As someone diagnosed with ‘keen to extreme’ character, i’ve never minded the pain and always wondered what i can do more.

This ‘extreme curiosity’ approach paved the way for all my personal and business biohacks.

While Dave Asprey and Tim Ferris keep on discovering what is self biohacking and why we should care, my curiosity (as usual) leads me to what i can do more. No wonder, my new extreme venture Biohack Your Business is already serving clients all over the globe.

Here’s what i learnt from my recent 500 Business Biohacks:

1.To be top-notch in your industry YOU DON’T NEED TO BE





✖️smart-ass coach

✖️fix-it trainer

✖️CEO or any C-level manager

2.To succeed in what you do best YOU DON’T NEED TO

✖️establish a personal website

✖️create free webinars

✖️write tons of blog posts

✖️offer an e-book

✖️sell marketing/sales funnels

✖️collect email lists to bomb your customers with junk

✖️hire tons of fix-it humans

✖️be like your friend or colleague (who is always better)

✖️aim at C-level position within any Fortune 500

✖️have 50K followers on social media

Your best results come when you choose the road less traveled by.

Yes, it won’t be a miracle. Yes, you’ll need to face your demons and overcome fear, stress, anger and all forms of pain.

As Robert Frost wisely put it “I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.”

There are many humans, just like me, who know how to provide top-notch Client Service to Fortune 500 companies, develop & sell extremely successful businesses, build & lead diverse teams, make 7 figure worth decisions.

Now, how many humans can you name who can trade all of the above for an extreme new venture? Scary, isn’t it?

Be sure — YOU CAN DO IT. Here’s how:

✔️build a Smart LinkedIn Profile

Yes, you don’t need to have profiles on all social networks. LinkedIn alone is enough. If you want to back it up with more traffic, you can always go ahead and establish Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and link all of the above to your LinkedIn. If you were curious enough to check my profiles, you may have noticed that i don’t post on daily basis, nor do i chase tons of ‘potential followers’ and comment that much. Does it have negative impact on Biohack Your Business — not at all.

✔️attract Smart Pros on Smart Contract basis

Yes, you need a team. A Smart Team — not some mediocre job hoppers. Yes, you don’t need to have a fancy office to be able to hire your Smart Humans. All you need to do: 1.point three Smart Humans whom you consider the best in their industry 2.approach them directly, explaining why serving as your outsourced Smart Human would be beneficial for them 3.establish a Smart Contract & go!

✔️identify your Smart Target Audience

Yes, this can’t be skipped. Be precise. If you aim to hit all customers at once you won’t hit any.

✔️offer a free one-to-one Smart Conversation with yourself

Personal, voice, video — up to your Client. Do you really need a website? And tons of web junk products to stand between you and your Client? Can they serve your Client better than you? Allow access to yourself starting day 1.

✔️state a Smart Limit on time required for decision making

Yes, you need to value your time. A recent study from Columbia University found that we’re bogged down by more than 70 decisions a day. Smart Time Limits challenge both you and your Client. You need to be twice more productive while your Client needs to trust his guts (and, of course, the information you’ve provided).

You know the famous Chinese wisdom “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”

Time to Biohack Your Business is now.

There’s simply no better time.

Ready to learn WHAT CAN YOU DO MORE?

Drop me a line & let’s start our free one-to-one Smart Conversation now.

