QuickBooks File Doctor Tool — Download, Install & Use

Alice john
3 min readSep 18, 2023

QuickBooks File Doctor is one of Intuit’s most popular tools. This tool, as its name implies, is intended to resolve all kinds of QuickBooks and company files related issues. You may have heard of the QuickBooks File Doctor tool if you’ve been using QuickBooks for some time. Intuit introduced this tool in 2012, which has helped businesses eliminate various errors when using QuickBooks.

The QuickBooks File Doctor tool detects and fixes errors in the QuickBooks files and company files automatically. We have attempted to explain the steps to install, download, configure, and use QuickBooks File Doctor Tool. The file doctor tool can be accessed through the QuickBooks Tool Hub. This article will help you understand QuickBooks File Doctor tool. If you require professional assistance, you can rely on the certified experts of the Host Docket Team to guide you.

Call us at +1–844–405–0907 to get certified QuickBooks professionals answer all of your questions and concerns, not only about QuickBooks file doctor but also any other QuickBooks-related issue. Let’s dive deeper and learn more about the QuickBooks file doctor.

QuickBooks File Doctor Tool: A Brief Overview

When we mention QuickBooks File Doctor Tool, what’s your first thought? It could be files related to QuickBooks. QuickBooks File Doctor Tool is a simple file repair tool. It can be used for errors which are frequently encountered while working with QuickBooks Accounting Software and in particular, errors associated with files. The QuickBooks file doctor tool can only be found in QuickBooks 2016, and later versions. The official Intuit site offers a download.

Please note that this tool is only compatible with the UK/US versions of QuickBooks. It also works on all QuickBooks desktop windows versions. You won’t have access to this tool or its features if you use a Mac. What else should you know about the QuickBooks file doctor?

There are different types of QuickBooks File Doctor Tools

Do you know there are different types of the file doctor? Many of you may not be aware that QuickBooks’ file doctor can be classified into two types:

The QBFD stand alone versions are used on servers where the QuickBooks database manager component only is installed.

The QuickBooks File Doctor built-in Version is compatible with QuickBooks 2016, and all versions after that.

How to download and install QuickBooks File Doctor Tool

You can try performing the below steps to download the file doctor tool successfully.

· Press ctrl+J to move from the tool hub section of QuickBooks, and then download the software.

· You can save the file anywhere you want.

· Click on QuickBooksToolsHub.exe to open the file.

· Accept the License Agreement by clicking on the Yes button.

· Click on the tab with the Install option.

· Click on the Finish tab when you are finished installing.

· Click on the icon now to access the QuickBooks Tool Hub.

You will see the tab for company file problems under the tool hub. Clicking on this will take you to the screen with the file doctor option.

Before running the file doctor tool, here are some quick tips

It is now time to use the Tool Hub. To avoid errors, you should read the following points before attempting to run the Tool Hub.

· Be sure to have your admin credentials before you attempt to use the File Doctor tool.

· You can’t ignore the importance of a good internet connection.

· A second important point to remember is the size of your files. File size is limited to 1.5GB.

· Install only one version of QuickBooks to prevent any errors.

· Before using the QBFD, update QuickBooks to its latest version.


The QuickBooks File Doctor tool is an interesting and useful program. This is one of QuickBooks’ most promising tools for dumping errors associated with company files. This section has been designed to include as many details as possible. We believe that now you’ve reached this part of the article you understand how to use this software optimally. If you are having trouble using this software, or have any questions, please contact our technical support team by calling +1–844–405–0907 and they will answer all of your queries and doubts. Do not hesitate to contact us to fix any QuickBooks errors.

Also Read: Quickbooks Unrecoverable Error



Alice john

Well I am Alice john and I am a Certified QuickBooks Pro Advisors expert. I like to help people by sharing the things which I have learned.