Review: Helix Cuff

Alice Bonasio
Tech Trends
Published in
4 min readNov 3, 2016


I never really had a problem with traditional headphones until recently, when I started listening to music on my phone much more often (blame Amazon’s 80s radio) and dropped my handset several times by getting the cable tangled.


So I thought it was time to give the latest generation of Bluetooth headsets a try, especially since — if Apple’s latest release is anything to go by — we soon won’t have much of a choice. Unless you want to try out this clever hack, that is*

Ashley Chloe is Fashion Tech start-up base in San Francisco that makes fashionable wearables, and the Helix Cuff is their first flagship product. It’s a Bluetooth headset that slots into a magnetic bracelet, providing a sleek and stylish way of carrying your headphones around. When not in use, the connecting cord wraps into a groove in the wrist cuff, while the headphones go into a little cache covered by a mirror-polished stainless steel cap and the wireless receiver slots onto the other side…



Alice Bonasio
Tech Trends

Technology writer for FastCo, Quartz, The Next Web, Ars Technica, Wired + more. Consultant specializing in VR #MixedReality and Strategic Communications