Places of Interest and Highlights in Algeria

Alice Jodric
3 min readMar 10, 2018


Monument of Martyrs

Visiting the Remote and Unexplored Mediterranean Coastal Regions

Isolated and virtually decimated by civil war in the 1990’s, caution still needs to be exercised when visiting Algeria. In all cases, check to ensure that the country is safe for travel before leaving. The northwest and south east of the country are best avoided.

Algeria has not been swamped with tourists, unlike the neighboring countries of Morocco and Tunisia, therefore visitors are likely to have a very authentic experience and will generally not be worn down by street vendors, harassing one in the hopes of a sale.


Ketchaoua Mosque

The points of interest include Turkish palaces which are hidden inside the Medina, most of which can be found around the Ketchaoua Mosque on Rue Hadj Omar. One of the best is the Dar Hassan Pacha. Fascinating hours can be spent simply wandering around the mazes of the Medina and watching life go by, Algerian style. Hotels are readily available — upmarket hotels start at around $120 per person per night.

Cities in Southern Algeria

Southern Algeria area draws most of Algeria’s tourists. Safe and unspoilt, oases combine with ancient traditions, sunset views of the Sahara desert, starry nights and a fascinating cultural experience.


Timimoun Tasfaoud village

This is an oasis town with around 400 000 palm trees surrounded by the distant dunes of the Sahara. Close to Timimoun is Tasfaoud village which is a small oasis complete with 13th century castle and an irrigation system for the desert homes which is worth seeing.



The Hoggar Mountain range make up Algeria’s most outstanding landscapes. It is a major centre for Algerian tourism. Veiled men and tattooed women going about their daily business among the unusual architecture of the homes make up some of the intriguing sights to be seen here and the town has surprisingly modern amenities including hotels and banks. There are a few good campsites, one of which is found at Git Saharien, Ave-Emir Abdelkader, which is clean and reasonably priced at approximately $8 per person per night.


View from Assekrem

This town is a laid back, engaging pace to visit. Assekrem is found approximately 80km northeast of Tamanrasset, set at the top of the Hoggar mountain range and viewing sunsets and sunrises over this rugged mountain range is said to be one of the best, not-to-be missed experiences of a visit to Algeria.

Traversing the Sahara desert in a vehicle by oneself in Algeria is not advised. Checkpoints in the desert ensure that people travel only in groups. This is largely for security reasons since the country is unstable and there have been and still are kidnappings and attacks in public places. Besides that, travelers who are not in convoy risk fuel and water shortages, sandstorms and encounters with bandits. It is advised to fly from Algiers to Tamanrasset to see the sights versus crossing overland, unless traveling in a fairly large group or convoy.

