Dear Any-Age old me, (1)

Alice Mayumi
3 min readSep 14, 2015


Maxwell killed himself. Feeling empathy for the man, the Death asked him to write a letter for himself, no matter how age. Here’s the letter.

Dear 21 year old me,

Yeah, it’s me, or can I say “It’s us”? I’m sorry to tell you that I ended up our life before 2018. So no, we’ll never know if our hint about who’s gonna win the World Cup was right or no.

I don’t think I actually need to ask you this but, just to make sure: Don’t tell our family, please. They’re already worried about you (and don’t pretend they don’t, you know they are). Mommy is not dumb, Max, she notices how your grades are falling. They are just dealing in their own way, you know?

I remember how college sucks. You’ll think many times about give up, and here’s my advice: do it. Please, I’m begging you. I can’t say for sure, but I believe that this act may save our life.

You don’t believe me, right? So let me tell you what happened to us, after the graduation:

  • You moved to New York and got a job in Wall Street. You worked 12h per day, and I can count in my fingers the times that you had vacations.
  • You met a really nice girl and you two started dating. It didn’t take so much time and you marriaged.
  • You had children, but you never had time for raised them.

That’s all you need to know. I’m not gonna tell you how we died, or how old were we. It doesn’t really matter, actually, I didn’t spent much time planning this.

But I need to ask you to save us. I’m sorry I couldn’t. But you can. Stop hearing stupid people. Keep working in your part time job. Save money. Travel the world, as you wish. Don’t worry about our parents. In the end, they’ll understand that all this shit is part of who we are. We didn’t born to stay at one place. We belong to the world.

Quit the damn college! Who the hell told us that economy was a nice course, and why on Earth did we believe it? “I have a job in New York”. Bullshit! We can explore NY without a job that killed us. There’s a lot of nice places to know, and you’re too young. Let me just tell you: don’t go to the Brooklyn Bridge if you’re depressed, ok? Promise me.

I know it’s weird to hear me asking you to change everything, but I have a feeling that life is better than that. It’s worthing to be alive, you know, you just need to find the reasons for it. We used to be happy, man. Remember the good times. How’s Kevin? Martha? Even Ritchie, that you see as an asshole, he’s a real brother. Believe me, you only realize how people really are when you need them.

So here’s the thing. You killed yourself, but you can change it. What you’re gonna do?



