Why Angular Framework is Ideal for Web App Development

Alice Gray
5 min readJun 30, 2022


At present, the evolution of web applications has become an essential trend owing to modern technologies. With the greater use of the internet, organizations change the way they operate and adopt more web apps. It’s because, web apps allow better communication among businesses and their customers, and Angular is the ideal framework for front-end developers to build web apps. This framework has transformed the web development field, and the performance of Angular has surpassed other frameworks that have been utilized before.

What is a Web Application?

Web application development is the construction of application programs that reside on remote servers and are distributed to the end-users through the Internet. Simply put, a web application (web app) can be accessed through a network and does not need to be downloaded. An end-user can easily access a web app through browsers like Safari, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome. Web application development will usually have a short development lifecycle.

Why Angular Framework for Web App Development

Angular is an open-source framework supported by Google that offers JavaScript, CSS, and HTML capabilities. It’s the most sought-after framework for developing dynamic web applications. Its dependency injection and data binding help reduce the amount of code that developers have to write. Moreover, this framework supports multiple platforms effortlessly; hence Angular-led web applications are more versatile and reliable. Angular, built entirely using Typescript, has the ability to build enterprise-grade web applications. AngularJS development service providers help develop a range of solutions using tools like auto-completion, advanced refactoring, and navigation to reduce complex coding requirements. Angular setup is an easier process involving fewer steps than any other framework.

4 Popular Angular Tools Used by Developers

Angular development tools are explicitly used while working with Angular for creating websites or web apps. The tools help developers manage all the data and coding perfectly. Developers can also run automated tests using Angular tools. Some of the Angular tools useful by developers include-

1. Node Package Manager (NPM)- NPM is an important package manager tool used in an Angular project. Angular CLI and modules used by Angular applications are bundled as npm packages and shared using the npm registry. This tool makes the code accessible and allows developers to install the valuable packages from the registry at any instance.

2. Angular CLI- Angular CLI is widely known as a command-line interface tool that developers use to develop, modify, maintain, and scaffold Angular applications straight from a command shell. Moreover, CLI supports developers by automatically providing code suggestions during web app development, which follows the best practices as defined by Angular’s home page.

3. HTML and CSS- Html and CSS are design tools used to develop an interactive user interface with essential functionalities that come with web page rendering.

4. TypeScript- Since Angular is commonly known as a TypeScript language, every developer must be familiar with the TypeScript tools. Simply put, TypeScript is a key language for Angular app development.

Features of Angular for Web Application Development

Powerful Framework

One of the major benefits of Angular is its robustness for rapid front-end development. It is an open-source platform among developers as it is freely available. It has several features like MVC patterns, dependency injection, and directives. This framework supports developers to extend the HTML syntax and develop client-side applications.

Two-Way Data Binding

Angular facilitates an instant synchronization among the view and the model set. If any information is modified in the model, it impacts the view. When modifications are made in the view data, the model becomes revised consequently. With this two-way binding feature, the application will considerably simplify its data presentation layer. This enables a less intrusive, simple approach to DOM display to build the User Interface.

Offers SPA Features

The key objective for building Single-Page Applications is a quicker website transition. The web page will appear and work as a native app. A website will interact with the web browser by dynamically rewriting the current web page with new webserver data, instead of the browser’s usual method of loading entirely new pages. This is defined as a Single Page Application (SPA).

Angular is ideal for the development of Single Page Applications. When a programmer builds a SPA using Angular, the page runs on every platform, loads instantly, delivers an excellent user experience and is easier to retain.

Expressive User Interface

The Angular framework offers templates developed using HTML. It is a declarative language widely used because of its intrinsic scalability and user-friendliness. These templates include Angular-specific attributes and elements such as form controls, filters, directives like ng-repeat, ng-app, ng-model, and others.

Having a declarative UI helps make changes more comprehensible and easy to handle. Using HTML, designers and developers can work together. While designers can concentrate on forming UI and developers can utilize declarative binding syntax to link the numerous UI modules with data models.

Supports Seamless Web App Management

Usually, web developers need to split up the code into three diverse components such as Model, View, and Control (MVC). And then, they manually combine the code of those components. The Angular framework allows developers to save time as it automatically merges the code components together.

The Model component manages and retains the application data. The View component shows all information or certain areas of the data to the handlers. While, the Control component directs the connection between the View and the Model. It is easier for developers to handle the User Interface phase of the application and its database with this MVC pattern.

Concurrent Testing

Using the Angular framework, experts can easily test a web app. This framework facilitates both unit testing and end-to-end testing. Testing functionalities provided by Angular, like dependency injection, manage how the components of your web app are produced. Moreover, testing features explain how to resolve dependencies. These features make it easier for developers to speed up development.

Rapid Development

Along with simple testing methods and MVC architecture, the Angular framework allows web developers to build and deliver at great speed from simple to complex applications. Therefore, owing to its speedy delivery, Angular is considered an ideal framework to build mobile apps in a quick turnaround time. Also, it is beneficial to partner with an experienced AngularJS development company for establishing complex projects in an effective way.

Wrapping Up

With a pack of benefits to experience from this framework, Angular is in great demand among businesses worldwide. Be it mobile or web apps for start-ups or enterprises, experts in the industry prefer Angular for the fast delivery of applications. Businesses can hire the right Angular experts to make web or mobile apps a great revenue-generating source.



Alice Gray

Alice Grey is an IT consultant associated with Damco Group since 2011.