From Adrenochrome to The NWO

This Man Warned Us 25 Years Ago… and Got Killed for It?

Alicen Grey
Inside the Simulation


Hello lovelings! Please be aware that due to censorship by, I will be writing on my personal platform from now on. All my essays, including this one, are now available there.

The internet has been ablaze for months with conspiracy after conspiracy after conspiracy. Some are revivals of old conspiracies (Pizzagate, anyone?) while others are as new as the events they revolve around (but I already got sh@d0w-b@nned on YouTube for mentioning c0ron@vyriss, so I won’t bring up those conspiracies here).

One fascinating feature of this Conspiracygeddon is that its participants are attempting to connect all the conspiracies. Child trafficking, adrenochrome production, the Deep State/Shadow Government, the Illuminati, the New World Order… It’s as if they believe each conspiracy is one branch on a giant tree, and they’re all driving themselves mad trying to find the shared root of that tree.

Kinda like this

Some would dismiss this as lockdown-boredom-turned-paranoia. Others are convinced it’s The Great Awakening unfolding in our lifetime…

