How to Spiritually Connect with Plants: A Comprehensive Guide

Deep in your soul, you still know how to do this. It’s not too late to remember.

Alicen Grey
Remote Viewing Community Magazine


Hello lovelings! Please be aware that due to censorship by, I will be writing on my personal platform from now on. All my essays, including this one, are now available there.

I see a lot of information around the web about how to create spiritual links with animals. These animals, once the link is created, are referred to as “familiars” (think: the stereotype of a witch and her black cat).

However, I rarely hear anyone talk about forming such connections with plants — and that’s sad because I’ve always found it rather easy (and fun) to connect with plant familiars!

In this post, I will explain how to spiritually attune oneself to living plants. But before that, let’s take a better look at their metaphysical properties:

Plants are expert alchemists. They incarnate with the innate ability to transmute light into food. This is a skill that only the most advanced humans can perform, so the ease with which all plants do it makes them deserving of our most humbled reverence.

