How to Answer a Phone in a Law Office?

Alice Raynott
3 min readMar 9, 2018


Phone calls rings in new business. For any kind of business, handling incoming calls well enough is of crucial importance to kick-start a relationship on the right track and most importantly for not losing any new opportunity right at the beginning. Especially, in a law firm, the callers probably are bringing new business worth thousands of dollars, so it is imperative for your law firm receptionist to master all the basics of how to answer a phone call at a law office.

Picking Up Fast:

Often we do not give enough emphasis on picking up the phone as early as possible. But you should remember that the people who are calling a law firm like yours are probably under already enough stress and even a bit of delay can increase their frustration. So, ideally, the receptionist should pick up the phone within the first three rings. Picking up the phone early also subconsciously gives a solid impression about the speed and performance of your law firm. So, it is an essential law firm phone etiquette that we tend to ignore.

Start With a Warm Reception:

Now that you have picked up the phone at the right time, it is time to usher in the caller with a warm reception. Start by saying the name of the law firm and your own name and then ask for the identity of the caller. Such as, “Good afternoon, you have reached X and Z law firm and this is Stuart, who am I speaking with?” After knowing the caller’s name, you proceed by asking what kind of assistance do they need — “How may I help you today Mr. Y?”

Taking Notes:

Another important tip on how to answer a phone call at a law office is keeping a notebook around to note down the important information. Start by noting down the name as you will need to keep addressing the caller by name throughout the conversation to start forming a friendly relationship with the prospective clients.

Being Friendly Yet Professional:

Law firms often make the mistake of considering coldness as professionalism but it can have a very negative impact on the caller’s psychology. On the other hand, being friendly and warm within the limits of professionalism will comfort the caller and help them form trust with your organization.

Knowing The Basic Legal Terms:

Although it is not necessary for your receptionist to have a law degree, they must have basic knowledge and familiarity with the legal terminologies to identify the problems of the callers and to answer the basic questions. Besides, having this knowledge will also help in identifying which person within the law firm the caller should be connected to at the next stage of the call.

Clear And Precise:

Throughout the conversation, you should never use verbose sentences or confusing words. Say what is necessary with clear and confident tone. Avoid non-words like “oh”, ”umm”, ”oo”, “uuu”etc. at any cost. This is essential law office phone etiquette as using these words can frustrate the caller who is in serious trouble.

Connect Accordingly

Now that you have provided the basic information and have identified the problem, it is time to connect the caller with the appropriate official within the firm. Clearly and politely convey to the caller that now they will need to be transferred to an attorney or lawyer for further assistance and politely request them to hold for some time. Then reach to the attorney who you need to connect the caller with and convey the details like the name of the caller and the problems they are facing if the attorney is available. Then talk to the caller again and clearly let them know about the attorney you are connecting them with. But never keep the caller on hold for longer. 30–45 seconds is the optimum time. If more time is needed always ask them whether they are comfortable or they would like you to call them back when the attorney is available.

Saying Good-Bye

When it is time to end the call you should always ask whether there are any other things that you might help them with. Then end with thanks to the caller for considering the firm and invite them to reach out to you for any further inquiry.



Alice Raynott

I’m a former marketing communications and general marketing professional. Pro-networker and strategist who believes in the doing and giving back to the society.