How to Choose the Best Veneers for Your Face Shape

3 min readSep 9, 2022
Veneers shades

The dental veneer market has witnessed rapid growth in recent years and has become quite popular in Gainesville, Florida. They are a great cosmetic dental procedure for those who want to correct cosmetic and structural dental issues quickly.

Porcelain veneers are one of the most effective cosmetic procedures. There are several options, and you can choose veneers according to your face shape.

Tooth Color

There is a standardized color chart for teeth that helps determine the color of your porcelain veneers. There are four categories in this chart: gray, reddish gray, reddish brown, and reddish yellow. With these categories, there are eleven sub-categories. You can find a variety of tones to select the color of your veneers.

Tooth Shape

To enhance your smile, you need the right shape for your porcelain veneers. Each tooth is different, and therefore, you can choose your tooth shape from endless combinations. There are also smile libraries where you can choose a style from 12 different ones.

1. Aggressive smile: Square-shaped with uniform teeth that give off a bold look. These are more common amongst men.

2. Mature smile: Square-shaped but with slightly round canines.

3. Vigorous smile: Square-shaped with prominent canines.

4. Dominant smile: Square-shaped but with round canines and protruding front teeth.

5. Focused smile: Slightly round with square-shaped central incisors.

6. Enhanced smile: Slightly round

7. Softened smile: Rounded but with a subtle curvature.

8. Hollywood smile: Square-shaped with lateral incisors being shorter. A popular style for veneers, especially amongst male patients.

9. Functional smile: Slightly rounded with pointy canines, allowing optimal function.

10. Natural smile: Slightly rounded with very pointy canines.

11. Youthful smile: Round teeth with sharp longer canines.

12. Oval smile: Rounded teeth, including canines and lateral incisors

A woman in a dental clinic in Gainesville

Face Shapes

You have to consider your face shape along with the smile you want. There are four major categories: oval, heart, square, and round. Depending on your face shape, you’ll find the optimal veneers in Gainesville that will look best.

● Heart: Heart-shaped faces go with shorter, rounded veneers.

● Oval: Over-shaped faces work better with square-shaped teeth, which make the face look full and wide.

● Round: Round faces look better if you go with long and pronounced veneers.

● Square: Square-shaped faces have defined jaws. They look good with subtle, round teeth.

You can visit Park Digital Avenue today for veneers in Gainesville. They have years of experience in providing the best cosmetic dentistry Gainesville has to offer. Book an appointment with them and find the best cosmetic dentist who can help you enhance your smile.

