Termination Guide

2 min readFeb 25, 2022


One of the most important aspects to being an employer is knowing the intricacies of dismissals, and more particularly when there are fair reasons for dismissal.

What is termination of employment?

Termination of employment is when an employee’s employment with an employer ends. Employment can end for many different reasons. An employee may resign or can be dismissed (fired).

However it ends, it’s important to follow the rules about dismissal, notice and final pay. There are also different rights and obligations when a job is made redundant or when a business is bankrupt.

Commonwealth workplace laws have rules about terminating employment. These rules establish whether the termination of the employment was unlawful or unfair, what entitlements an employee is owed at the end of their employment, and what must be done when an employee is dismissed because of redundancy.

The Fair Work Ombudsman and the Fair Work Commission regulate Commonwealth workplace laws about terminating employment.

The Fair Work Ombudsman is responsible for:

  • educating employers and employees about their rights and obligations
  • ensuring compliance with workplace laws, and
  • can prosecute employers that contravene workplace laws.

The Fair Work Commission is deals with:

  • unfair dismissal
  • general protections dismissals
  • unlawful termination applications.

If you have lost your job, contact the Fair Work Commission first if you think you were sacked because of:

  • a reason that was harsh, unjust or unreasonable
  • discrimination
  • another protected right.

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With more than 10 years of industry experience, we understand the complexities of being an employer and we know Australian employers need support to deal with the ever-changing workplace regulations. Learn more about our company.

Alice’s Consulting works with you to make sure your workplace is productive and fair. Firstly we help you in understanding the law, and then we give you the tools to comply with them. Our service also gives you access to our free call number and the advice of an expert. We pride ourselves on the quality of service we provide. First, we look at your business and try to find any areas that are not working well. We offer you a list of all the things that you could be doing better, and we help you implement changes to make your workplace more productive and safe. You can be rest assured that we will help keep your workplace compliant and safe, so you can focus on everything else. Learn more about our services here.

Other helpful sites

Some other helpful sites include Fair Work Australia, the Fair Work Commission and the Fair Work Ombudsman.


