Wk5 Makers Academy

Alice Cheung
2 min readMar 21, 2017


“Nobody ever seems to remember life is a game we play”

~ Hello, Oasis

As a nod to all that I’ve learnt so far, below is a (Ruby) codified, (extremely) simplified version of life as I understand it.

In short; life is an array of experiences and a string of jokes. You learn by taking lessons from life and get lols by having a sense of humour :-)


Week one (proper) of Makers has seen me learning a bunch and shovelling a whole lot of skills into my experience array. While it shouldn’t be a surprise that I gained technical knowledge (except perhaps how much of it I feel I now possess), I’ve also enjoyed exploring some behavioural and philosophical questions.


Context: up until a few weeks ago I didn’t do much more than use an iPad to watch TV, take notes and read about technology. Considering this, I am rather impressed at how, not only do the following applications / processes / words ring a bell for me, but that I have used and/or applied them in some way over the past week by coding the Boris-Bike system, and then an airport over the weekend(!)


Navigating the computer and getting it to do my bidding

Text editors for writing code

REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) interactive language shells for playing with code

Managing code files (version control)



  • Object-Orientated Programming


  • Turning user stories into Domain Models
  • Single Responsibility Principle


  • Pair Programming
  • Debugging, stack tracing
  • Refactoring code for readability


  • Test Driven Development (TDD)
  • Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)
  • Feature testing
  • Unit testing

Programming Languages

  • Ruby (object-orientated language)
  • Rspec (domain specific language written in Ruby to test Ruby code)
  • Markdown (plaintext formatting syntax to convert / format text to html)

Right now, I may not necessarily be a master of everything (or anything) listed, but still…

Upon entering any new trade, there’s a lot of ground work covered in the steep learning curve at the beginning. I imagine much of this sets the scene for deeper learning (and a steeper incline) in the coming weeks. From what I can see of the industry, the slope doesn’t ever really flatten out. However, if this week has been anything to go by, I can’t wait for the next 7 days/ weeks/ months/ years…



Alice Cheung

Writer of code. Collector of experiences | Software Engineer at Ravelin