Things to consider while choosing a vape

Alice Taylor
2 min readSep 28, 2018

If you are considering moving away from cigarettes to vaping, you might be overwhelmed by the number of choices available. Finding one you like and that fits you can be a confusing process. But if you know the important tips before shopping, it will make finding one a lot easier. Here are five important things to consider when shopping for the best online vape stores for the pen that’s right for you.

Consider the Battery Life

Since vape pens run on batteries, research the battery life of specific pens. Having a battery that goes bad often will get annoying because you will need to replace it. For example, lithium-ion batteries will last longer than old-technology batteries. These types of batteries may cost more but will last much longer. Most batteries can last up to two or three days at regular use and when fully charged.

Know Your Budget

Setting a budget for a vape pen will help you narrow your options when shopping for the best online vape stores. However, browse different types to get an idea of the various price ranges. Once you have an idea of the vape pens you can afford, set aside the money. Expect to pay at least $100 for a quality pen. You certainly don’t want to get a low-quality pen that will stop working or that will need to be replaced quickly. That will end up costing you even more money in the long run.

Chose an Authentic Vape Pen

There have been so many vape pen brands added in recent years that many counterfeit pens have popped onto the market. These can look authentic, but are incredibly low quality and will be disappointing when you get them. This is another reason why it’s best to stick with the best online vape store to ensure you are shopping for authentic brands and product.

Some easy signs that a pen is counterfeit is a much smaller price that seems way too good to be true. Scammers will try to sell as many of these as they can before people catch on. Also be sure to read any details of warranty information or return policies. Don’t be fooled into going the cheap route to save a little money. Quality matters with vape pens.

Additional Features

Since vape pens have become more popular and more widely used, there are many different colors and designs to choose from. If choosing one that fits your style and tastes is important to you, take some time picking one that you will like using for a long time. If you have the budget, choose a couple.

Choose the Type of Concentrate

There are wax, oil, and dry herb versions of vape concentrates. The best online vape stores should have all types. Some pens can be used with all three, while others are compatible with just one. Be sure to read the details of which type of pen you choose so that you can select the proper concentrate.

