Honor Your Discontent

We don’t always know what our life’s purpose or journey is supposed to be or we may have so many dreams we are overwhelmed with them all.

However, one thing is for sure: if we are feeling restless or discontent we are not living our dreams!

“Honor your discontent. It leads to your dreams.” ~ AliciaMarie Belchak (Image created in Canva.)

Feelings of discontent and a longing for something else, even when we don’t know for sure toward what we are being drawn, are actually calls from a Higher Power for us to pursue our greater good.

We can only discover true desire by first noticing our discontent.

When you experience discontent or feel restless and you’re not sure why, don’t shut it out just because you don’t know what it means. When you shut off your yearnings you become numb and paralyzed to create something more interesting.

Instead, bring those inner rumblings to the front of your mind for examination. These rumblings are nudging you toward a more meaningful existence and urging you not to settle for mediocrity.

By opening yourself up to them and spending time in reflection and examination, you are allowing your discontent to speak to you and lead you toward your purpose.

We also need to be aware of messages from those around us and not let others criticize us into shutting down our dreams, or even our…



AliciaMarie Belchak | Master Life, Build Dreams

Author, speaker & coach. Nexus of ideas. I help you ignite dreams, master life, transform results & turn possibilities into reality. www.aliciamariebelchak.com