Alícia Trepat Pont
Alícia Trepat Pont

I'm a practitioner of distributed leadership and ecosystem building and I also research these topics...that can also be called regenerative organising, self- or collective organising, futures of work and others.

I research formally through a a PhD with the Tallinn University of Technology under the Cosmolocalism project led by the P2P lab. In this specific research I focuse on emotions in the above-mentioned settings.

My main interest is the intersection between personal "development", the collective layer that organisations offer and proposals for alternative systems like the Commons, the Economy for the Common Good, among others.

This has been my work and a big part of my life for the past ten years, there is so much I have been wanting to write and talk about! There are so many learnings that we gather from experimenting in networks and communities...! I have so many unfinished texts :S ! I've gathered some of these thoughts in the conversations I host in the mini-series Affectively

Editor of Ouishare
Alícia Trepat Pont

Alícia Trepat Pont

New Economy Explorer #Ouishare #Greaterthan #OrganisationalTransformation #CommunityBuilding #Feminism #DistributedLeadership