Instagram, the principles of Information Architecture (IA) used to support user experience and strengthen relationships

Alison Crawford
6 min readJun 12, 2019


Graph by A. Crawford / Source: Instagram, Our Story

From 25,000 sign-ups in October of 2010 to more than 1 billion monthly active users today, Instagram stands firmly behind their mission to “bringing you closer to the people and things you love” by “strengthening relationships through shared experiences.”

The word Instagram is portmanteau, a word blending the sounds and combining the meanings of two others — instant camera and telegram.

“Our goal is to not just be a photo sharing app, but to be the way you share your life when you’re on the go.”

— Kevin Systrom, Co-Founder, Instagram

How can instant connectivity be supported and growth be maintained? By embracing a system centered around organizing, structuring, and labeling content effectively and sustainably to aid usability, otherwise known as Information Architecture (IA).

This article is going to examine the information architecture of Instagram— the structure of content within the mobile platform used to support the mission. To accomplish this, we need to understand the components, how they come together, and how each relates to one another within the system to deliver the Instagram experience.

Instagram is a dynamic platform, which means the platform adapts to provide meaningful and relevant experiences for the user — the lead principle of User Experience (UX) design. Engagement relates specifically to the user through the input of content and interaction. No two accounts will display the same content. Instagram consists of a mix of static, dynamic, and interactive content.


Static content refers to content that does not evolve or change with influence. Examples include the user profile, those the user follows, settings, and preferences. Static content is manageable by the user.

The Instagram feed is an example of dynamic content or content that changes based on the behavior, preferences, and the interests of the user. Dynamic content supports a better user experience primarily due to the content adapting to the user based on interest.

The main intent of Instagram is photo sharing. The primary data is the photo with the action of one feature, sharing. Garnering likes, comments, or a share is interactive content. The data gathered starts with a single picture; both the user and Instagram benefit from the data found within a single photo post.

Data is a collection of facts for reference or analysis, such as numbers, words, observations, or descriptions. Additional information about the location of a photo and the file creation date is known as metadata. Metadata is a set of data that describes and gives information about other data, a digital footprint attached to the primary data. Data becomes information when patterns become evident, which can lead to the formation of knowledge to shape direction or lead to a perspective or conclusion.

Pattern Identification Wireframe


Instagram places supreme importance on shapes and inter-connectivity. Everything links somewhere. As the user shifts from their home screen to their feed, the use of shapes helps the user assimilate into the Instagram user experience. The user is trained to view squares as photos and circles as profile information, be it theirs or another user.

A wireframe is a two-dimensional interface illustration that focuses explicitly on content arrangement, prioritization, and functionalities. Familiar users will quickly identify the above wireframe as Instagram. Compliments to Instagram for developing and maintaining an instantly identifiable format.


Instagram is highly interactive and ever-evolving. The context for delivering the ‘on-the-go’ mission plays as much of a role as the content itself.

Adapting to the user requires careful consideration for categorization and navigation. Behind any system of engagement lies a sitemap. The sitemap is a diagrammatic representation of the navigational hierarchy. Taxonomy, a technique of classification, helps identify commonalities, organizes, and ranks the information for importance and frequency of use accordingly. Taxonomy starts with the user.

Sitemap with Taxonomy Hierarchy


Currently, the primary mobile symbol navigation flows with the sitemap to include:

  • The home symbol displays a feed of photos posted by the user and those the user follows.
  • The magnifying glass invites the user to search and explore photos and videos from those not being followed and view posts selected automatically based on the behavior and interests of the user.
  • The plus symbol in a rounded corner square represents camera features allowing the user to browse their photos if their account is connected to Instagram, or take a photo or video within the Instagram app to share.
  • The heart displays likes and comments activity on the user’s posts as well as information such as interests from those the user follows.
  • The circle displaying the user profile photo connects to the user to their main profile page and posts.

Additional user-specific navigation symbols include: the “grid” connects the user to their posts, the “upside down comment with a person” indicates photos the user having been tagged, “three-line hamburger” or menu connecting the user settings, “time with reverse arrow” for archiving, and “airplane arrow” linking to share or send direct messages.


Instagram delivers a pretty terrific brand atmosphere. Instagram is about the user, the photo, the current moment, and connection.

Connectivity happens through:

  • Likes, shares, and comments on posts.
  • Following, being followed or a request to be followed.
  • Mentions in a comment or tags in a photo. The mention or tagging happens by username (@ immediately followed by their username). Mention notification appears in the activity feed.
  • Adding hashtags to a post links the post to an additional form of categorization (# immediately followed by a collection of characters). As the users start to type # with a character, tags begin to appear displaying the hashtag by popularity and presenting ease of use. Once a hashtag has accompanied a post, the post will be visible on the hashtag page. Hashtags are clickable and link to the hashtags page.
New Post to Hashtag Page Integration

What is it about Instagram?

“In the past, people have looked at photos as a record of memory. The focus has been on the past tense. With Instagram, the focus is on the present tense.”

— Kevin Systrom

Instagram works to deliver an engaging, immediate, authentic response. The results, proof for the speed in growth, can be considered a universal win-win. The Instagram user gains feedback and emotional connection. Instagram watches the data to provide a better service for the user and support connectivity.

What keeps connectivity happening? Do users care that there are currently more than 1 billion monthly active users? Is it that Instagram feels so personal yet connected to so much? Do users feel closer to the people and things they love? Are relationships strengthening through shared experiences?

The overall experience for the Instagram user, especially in terms of how easy or pleasing it is to use, is constantly evolving. What Instagram does to gain the trust directly aligns with the principles of Information Architecture (IA):

  • Focus on user experience
  • Develop a platform supporting a clear mission
  • Structure content for relevance

It all starts with a foundation designed for growth and evolution, and an audience passionate to remain connected.

