Meet Epsilon: Aggregating ALL the Trades!

Alien Base
3 min readMay 15, 2024


Up until today, you were only able to use Alien Base to swap the tokens native to the DEX. While this included quite a few of them, it was impossible to collect all the tokens on all of Base.

Now, with Epsilon, this will be a thing of the past. Epsilon is Alien Base’s meta-aggregation layer, meaning that it aggregates everything: our DEX, other DEXs, other aggregators, external liquidity sources and more.

The Epsilon program is all about sharing the liquidity. If it’s all one chain, no one should care which DEX is the swap being routed through. The important part is the experience.

How does Epsilon work?

Epsilon is now the default swapping system for Alien Base. It’s quite simple: it will fetch and compare various quotes for your trade, filter them out and offer you the best and cheapest one. All with the smooth and quick interface you’re used to!

The new token list includes many of the most popular tokens on Base, but if you can’t find it, most likely you’ll be able to swap it by pasting the contract address. Make sure to do your research first, you don’t want to inadvertently buy honeypots or other scams.

There are a few details. For example, Epsilon will prefer native Alien liquidity if outsiders don’t bring that much better of an offer. This helps liquidity providers on Alien Base get a small advantage compared to other platforms, which ensures that they won’t lose out too much from using external liquidity. External trades also have a slightly increased trading fee, which is balanced more than enough by the increase in swap efficiency (Alien Base will still be the cheapest DEX to trade most major assets!).

Why is aggregation and Epsilon so important?

Epsilon marks the final build out of Alien Base V1, a complete platform for swapping tokens on Base. It makes it both useful and competitive in the wider landscape of Base DEXs, and it is the basis on which we can build even better liquidity and trading solutions.

From now on, everything we do will be about improving over the basic experience to deliver something never seen before. For example, do you know of any place where you could enter limit or stop loss orders for Base tokens? We don’t — but soon Alien Base will be that place. Margin trading, SocialFi, options and much more: it all starts from Epsilon.

Epsilon itself will be improved as well, with more liquidity sources and a better adjustment of LP positions to take advantage of the influx of users. Currently, we’re primarily using OpenOcean and ParaSwap, though other sources like ***** and ****** will be coming soon as well.

With Alien Base, we’re building a new kind of DEX. The mission is simple: be the best place to trade in DeFi. And we’ll be doing everything we can and more to get there.



Alien Base

AlienBase is the Base-native DEX for degen earthlings.