Xirtam IAO Cancelled

4 min readApr 26, 2023


Cashgrab? Manipulators? or Scam team?

Xirtam IAO has been canceled, but for what reason? We will give our community a breakdown of the events. Alien team was both manipulated, lied to and used for the benefit of Xirtam.

Since the beginning Xirtam wanted to just raise huge amounts of funds they got attracted to Alien after they saw we overflow 10M in funds this is when we first got contacted.

We will post a couple of screenshot conversations between Dr.NAUT who represented Alien in talks with Xirtam.

First it is important to show you we have some conversations backed up…these guys tried to delete our convos so we wouldn’t show the public after they canceled the IAO - this is a first red flag….

Xirtam hosted a SEED sale which they tried desperately to hide but the members of the seed platform “Pincubator” actually came and leaked the info, the Xirtam team then realized they should announce it. (Their only prior announcements were a video that was “hinted” and they claimed that the hint was enough of an announcement)

Here is our team telling them this isnt transparent while it was going on .

Here is proof it was never announced and they hid it until it was too much to hide. So he says “yes might announce it if people keep being confused” This shows they tried to hide this seed sale.

They will claim that they have announced it multiple times which is a lie. They really tried to hide a seed sale that was 3x+ lower than Fjord people got in just think of that…

Here is where we show you how much these guys are manipulators and liars. We agreed in all aspects to help Xirtam we were happy to have helped them and push them to our community but we never realized how dirty they were with the tactics.

They wanted us to push them all over which we did and they ended up canceling their IAO with us in the last minute literally after they realized they have farmed enough money from their raises. They waited and kept us as a third option until the end, even after they used our KOL’s our marketing, and our core community to push Xirtam.

Along the way they just did everything as a lie and in a sneaky manner, they changed their announcements 5 times within the process of their launch to always have a backup plan to collect more and more funds. This is exactly the type of teams people need to be aware of. Notice the Medium article changes they had three changes for the same raise and now they have added another presale platform.

There is many more statements between our teams which we don’t find fit to release as it has a bit more of their private information on it and who they are.

They will be giving a 10% allocation to KOL’s and a 5% allocation to advisors which they also have not disclosed. This team is hiding many factors from the community which is unfair and not transparent.

We have never once seen in the history of launchpads before a launch canceled literally 5 minutes before it’s supposed to begin.

Sadly we have been in conversations with them since February and they pulled us along all this way just to cancel final minuites. We will have a double review of this teams KYC as we believe there was two seperate KYC’s between two seperate people they don’t match.

We want to apologize to the Alien community but this was not under our control, what was under our control was choosing such a team and we are sorry for it.

